
Somebody seems to prefer the System 7 look.

Maybe so they can change their mind, or so they can use it for surveillance and then spontaneously seize the opportunity to blow the target up. If they're not sure if a target is worth blowing up, they fly to it and then decide if it's worth blowing up.

Why are these lizard guys getting so much hate? I'm not denying that what they did was high-grade A-holery, but so is any hack, and I can't remember people getting this bitter about LulzSec releasing the e-mail addresses of porn freaks, Anonymous/AntiSec hacking law enforcement websites and releasing data,

Well, I tried.

Haha. Maybe I just have a vivid imagination.

That's not that impossible. Imagine there's a bee somewhere below your left ear. You grab a coat hanger by one end with your right hand and swat at your neck. You hold it close to yourself because your target is on your own body. The hook can easily get caught in one of your nostrils.

An ice pick and a turkey baster. In the rectum. No. Just no.

EXACTLY! A few weeks ago, I made the same argument regarding claims of sexism – that is, somebody claimed that pointing out flawed logic and/or hypocrisy in a woman's argument is sexist. I replied that they are being sexist for implying that women can't be expected to make a rational argument, or should be treated


MobileMe was mostly moved over to iCloud. iWork.com, on the other hand, hasn't been fully replicated in iWork for iCloud (as far as I know). I remember creating presentations for school on my PowerBook and then demonstrating them from the web browser in the school's Windows XP computer, animations and all. I was

Nope. Still looks more than weird.

As far as I know, the current isoHunt is also a "resurrected" version, not Gary Fung's original, so it's only logical that the team behind it brings The Pirate Bay back in similar fashion just like they did isoHunt.

If the touchpad has multitouch, I'm seriously thinking of getting one of these things for my mom. Whenever it comes to Europe.


Wasn't there something like this in one episode of Continuum?

All I could think of was this.

Is that what Sony makes these days?

The most efficient way to get the person to stop calling you requires you to say one sentence: "Please put me on your do not call list." Don't say "Can you put me on your do not call list?" or "I don't want to get these calls." This will lead them to ask why. Be polite, but firm. If they ask why or won't do it right

Don't let the telemarketer call you back at another time. Anything that's not a hard "no" will be interpreted as an opportunity to call you back. When you say "This isn't a good time," the telemarketer hears "Call me back later!" When you say "Sorry, I don't have time to talk about this right now" the telemarketer