
I wouldn't say that. To me, it seems like Mario is suggesting to wait for software updates and third-party apps, not necessarily for new hardware:

The web client has had this for ages. It was called "Hide All From X", now it's "Unfollow X", but it's the same thing. Also, ever since lists were introduced you can just banish people you don't want to follow to a list that is excluded from the news feed.

The name comes from the same company who named products like PowerBook, Sonos, and Intel Xeon. I don't think the name zucked so much that it doomed a good product. The Zune did have issues. Maybe the later iterations should have dropped the name, who knows. The name itself seems fine. As far as I know, it was meant to

The review said that you should wait before buying it, not that it's a "failure overall".

To my mind, a great, distinguishing feature is the GPS receiver. I like mapping my runs on RunKeeper, and for this reason I haven't found other fitness-centric wearables particularly appealing, as they mostly lack this functionality. I also like simply recording where I've been throughout the day using a service like

Wow. It's really still there on Apple's website? I thought it was pulled. Could you show me a link?

Why does the camera icon look and work pretty much exactly like on iOS now? It used to be colored and in the center, and you had to drag the lock to it; now it's half-transparent and in the bottom right corner, and you have to drag up from it.

Why it's awesome: Safari is super fast and very easy to use. It runs on WebKit. It has great font rendering. Extension buttons in the toolbar don't look out of place. Tabs sync across all my Macs and iOS devices. Reader is awesome. A decent library of extensions, one of my favorites being ClickToPlugin, which I can

Safari for Windows was discontinued years ago.

I totally understand. I remember iTunes being quite slow on Windows (I think it's better now, but I'm not sure as I don't have a PC anymore), but on OS X it works fine and is easy to use.

Same here. Thankfully my country was quite well mapped from the get-go, and certainly much better (more detailed) than in the Google Maps mobile webapp. I used to drive with it (before I switched to Waze for the live information feeds) and never ran into any issues. For example, two years ago I had to deliver a

Same here. I've tried a bunch of those fancy apps (Mailbox et al.), but they just don't suit my workflow, and I have no need for the "inbox zero" thing. If I was one of the people whose e-mail is essentially their to-do list, I'd probably be using a third party app that's tailored for this (again, Mailbox and the

What changed the way I cook eggs was the idea of putting them in boiling water (mentioned in #8) instead of boiling the water with the eggs already inside. You'll never have to struggle with peeling eggs again! Just add a fairly generous amount of salt to the water so if the shell cracks while boiling, the egg stays

Oh, that's good. Usually new iTunes versions are released together with each major iOS update, and the iTunes changelog includes a mention support for the new iOS version, impying that an older version of iTunes wouldn't sync with the new iOS properly.

I would say tap-to-wake is life-chaning.

Finally, a wearable with built-in GPS for tracking activites! Even the Apple Watch doesn't do this. The orientation of the display seems unusual, though – I'd like to know how convenient is it in day-to-day usage.

It should be noted that you're likely not going to be able to sync iOS 8 devices with iTunes 11.

I agree with HazzardZone that being honest is better than coming up with a lie. However, I believe it is best to add a reason for your unwillingness to help. I don't know your reason to reject the coworker's request, but I can imagine myself in your situation. I'm introverted and enjoy getting a moment of solitude

Well, they did call it Zero Point. As in, there's zero point in watching this.

Why is it called a 16:10 display, not an 8:5 display?