
i feel like the show relied too much on fanservice casting, like hey look its season 2, we’ve got caprica 6 and wil wheaton!

most of europe is on the left

Not surprised Powers got axed, season 1 was pretty interesting and cool, I was excited for S2, watched the first episode and the fx and acting was painful, no idea what happened, but it made me not even bother with the second episode.

good point.

he also was the one to explain what project insight was in the movie, which was significant, he was in the movie more than i even remembered.

“If we see characters and storylines trickle up into the movies in a significant way,* I’ll eat my hat.**”

yeah it seems like the unifying reciever itself needs an update, i followed this and updated mine

i had an imac for awhile (got it for 100$ and repaired it) and for that price, it was great, but in most cases i would rather reboot for patches here and there than pay about double for the same specs.

how is it free, you pay a huge premium for the system and up until a few years ago they charged too.

dunno about them but they got rid of WMC, so theres a bunch of people who use cablecards who cant upgrade

I love Win10 but me using cablecard/windows media center pretty much means I’m stuck at Win8.1. Sucks because I had to pay extra to get WMC in 8.1 but now that purchase is irrelevant cuz they dropped entirely from 10.

I never noticed any lag in the retron 5, upscales great and costs 1/5 this (depending when you got it anyway, got mine for 100, but they averaged 130 for awhile)..

Now playing

too bad the thrones toilet was sold/destroyed

yeah, but Trini Kwan is also an odd name for a latina

the rocker type thing on the right does increments of one, if you double click the main button itll go full on or full off, single tap will fade out, then if you hold it down its i think 5 second increments for a timer to fade out (can see it increase on the LED indicator)

the rocker type thing on the right does increments of one, if you double click the main button itll go full on or

alternately if you’re looking for a dimmer solution (doesnt work on LED yet unfortunately). I use these with my home theater so I can dim the lights from the couch with my Harmony (used IR learn to program it in)

alternately if you’re looking for a dimmer solution (doesnt work on LED yet unfortunately). I use these with my home

Almost every reviewer disagrees

Need a photo of some of my games? No reason to lie

No, I’m actually selling it. I just listed two of my many grievances, those and what they did to mario party are bigger on my list since they were games I highly anticipated.