
They are on tour right now and put on an incredible show, caught them in DC a week or so ago.

I dont understand why they cap it, but I also dont see why people care so much, I have a stack of vanguard commendations I'll never use, because I have all the raid guns and most of the exotics. I cant recall the last time I bought something from the vanguard/crucible quartermaster.

what, no mention of the Mind Gem/stone in Vision's forehead?

he's also english doing an american accent, that could be part of it

Aykroyd in passing on Howard Stern the other day mentioned filming GB3 this summer, didnt realize it was starting up that soon.

for the returned, that isnt Winstead, its someone else, Winstead pic is in gallery though.

re: Ward AoS

The Dead Milkmen answered this... (kidding)

yeah, leaking thousands of employee social security numbers and private emails, totally great stunt.

the age of video game nostalgia is dead, I can throw on any SNES, NES, or sega cart and they will work, what happens to these games years down the line when the patch servers are gone? We will be stuck with broken games.

at least the developer finally has.... A STORY TO TELL... zing...

there's so much traffic coming out of africa

swype was def one of the few things i missed leaving android, been using it on ios since like 10pm last night, and i'm so happy to have it back.

the point would be paying 15$ rather than 80 or whatever the average cable sub is

that is dependent on gem and rift level, if you have a level 3 gem and run a 10 rift, itll be 100%, but a level 10 gem on 10 rift be probably 50% or less.

I have had more lightning bolt cables die than any other cable I've ever owned. My iPad 2 charger is the original, and I'm on my 3rd or 4th frayed iphone 5 charger.

If you are at a concert, dont use flash, its usually pointless, especially if you're far back or if they have fog machines.

That scaler is expensive, for that, buy a retron 5, use your original carts and controllers, even if it is emulating, it looks super crisp (too lazy to get a screen grab to upload), but man do some of my nes carts look amazing on hdmi.

will they last longer? I have had 3 or 4 official lightning bolt cables fray and stop charging over the last year, the sad part is I have had 4$ ones from 7-11 last longer...

I see this as: