
you should contact sony about that then, doesnt happen at my house with my step-son, i download most things on my account, he uses his own account all my games have worked..

actually, at launch, without even paying for PS+ you get these free, each console comes with 1 free month of plus, so even if you arent renewing, youll get a month of these games "rented" for free... still a good deal.

Going to be sad having my PS4 at my house, untouched for a week while I finish a tour :( epic tease.

10$ cheaper.. unless you want the play and charge kit which is another 20, thus 10$ more.

Considering I've had the same dual shock 3s since they were released, it's still a better deal, the 360 controller charges extra to tether with the charge and play kit. (I just use amazon rechargables in mine so doesnt matter much about having to tether or swap, I always keep a pair on the charger)

you didnt mention any other chargers in your house, just having to have it plugged into the ps3 while its on.

It has nothing to do with bluetooth, it has to do with standard mini usb (which I mentioned above) I probably meant to say any usb charger or outlet, makes more sense in that context.

I've used my iphone charger, a laptop usb port, etc. Ultimately I bought one of the charging docks for 20$, super convenient to just drop them in.

The PS3 controllers on the other hand keep a similar charge (a few months), but recharging them is no simple feat. The PS3 is 8-10ft away from my couch, and I don't have or want a 10 ft usb cable. And it only charges while the PS3 is on. This is horrible! To charge the controllers I have to leave them plugged in, with

"What if you thought it was justifiable but then turns out that it's not? Like the dude that shot a young black man recently in the news."

and something every game seems to get wrong: Mags and Clips are completely different things, but they use them interchangably, for instance in call of duty they'll yell "changing mag" but when you get extended mags theyre called extended clips..

this is awesome! good find!

I always played B-Type, eff yeah.

Every 2DS comes with a complimentary pair of JNCO jeans so that you can still put it in your pocket for street passes.

yeah thats exactly what came to mind for me too:

Let's not forget the condom machine "before you attack her, wrap your whacker"

Would be nice if Telltale finally patched poker night 2 so it wasnt constantly freezing.

Figured you would stop the conversation, can't argue with a book and magic man in the sky.

to say its not natural when it occurs naturally in nature is stupid.

Homosexuality has occured in nature for quite a long time, do you blatantly ignore that fact?