
Most people I know (that are fellow shooters) are all for background checks and the like, the issue here is they want to restrict what we can own and there is no real basis for it. They want to ban "Assault Rifles" which is a misnomer to begin with as the term assault rifle designates a gun to have selective fire,

I play lots of games, RPGs, FPS, Puzzlers, etc. I also own guns. I don't shoot people or get violent. Blaming video games is as bad as blaming guns, people kill people, not video games, or guns, but the person, the individual. I hate that society puts stigmas and blame on things. If someone gets stabbed, no one ever

Burst firing at a distance would be ineffective as the recoil would make you lose accuracy, aside from that most civilians can only afford/own single shot weapons, nothing in select fire (without ten thousand or more dollars and a registration with the ATF)

Burst firing at a distance would be ineffective as the recoil would make you lose accuracy, aside from that most civilians can only afford/own single shot weapons, nothing in select fire (without ten thousand or more dollars and a registration with the ATF)

laughed so hard about 4 min mark i started coughing.. so random.

The mine smack is my favorite part. at about 4:25

One of my favorite memories was the only console I got for Christmas, my mom got me a Super Nintendo, I remember when I went to bed the first night after a long day of gaming, I woke up and thought it was a dream. I was just as excited when I went to the living room and it was still there :)

To the people saying its a horrible idea (not you), it works for Israel, I believe there are a few other places that do it as well.

yeah, lets ignore Israel doing it among other places.

It works in Israel, why not here?

Yeah, Amy Jo Johnson did a porn didnt she? All I remember is the original yellow ranger died in a car wreck tho.

Now if those skulls had epic beards or curled moustaches? I could see.. lol

If you read his next tweets he says the reason he did it and it is appropriate is because they met on twitter.

Sweet, be a dick about a 3 month old post that other people already corrected me on. grats and welcome to 3 months ago, population = Darren Tilley

Find one place where I even talk about Sandy Hook here. Go on, I'll wait.

yeah, you're right, the president had nothing to do with increased drone attacks.

No, this is old news they're reporting, this happens constantly, it's ok to be willfully ignorant of it, but feel free to go do some reading on how many innocents get killed by drones vs actual targets.

he was correct :)


No, just ones who get the PEACE PRIZE