
But schools are gun free zones, there is no way they can go in there with a gun where they KNOW people are unarmed... /sarcasm

12,664 murders in 2011, 8583 of them are from guns, there are countless millions of gun owners that one one (or more) guns, yet there aren't an astronomical amount of gun related murders.. imagine that. Fun fact though, every year there are more gun owners, and every year since at least 2007, gun violence has gone

So because one crazy old man did something stupid, the millions of other people who DON'T do stupid things lose their right to protection? You are clearly the ignorant one.

But that is almost cancelled out by Sam typing backdoor into a linux prompt.

My ex wife has that cookbook!

Sam, please tell me more about how criminals follow the law.

Burst firing at a distance would be ineffective as the recoil would make you lose accuracy, aside from that most civilians can only afford/own single shot weapons, nothing in select fire (without ten thousand or more dollars and a registration with the ATF)

Burst firing at a distance would be ineffective as the recoil would make you lose accuracy, aside from that most civilians can only afford/own single shot weapons, nothing in select fire (without ten thousand or more dollars and a registration with the ATF)

meanwhile hypocrite Feinstein has a CCW permit.

what makes you assume he's a bush fan? that's a pretty ignorant assumption, I hate Obama, I voted for him the first time, gave him a chance, he fucked it up, I voted 3rd party this election because I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of the asshats on top.

same here, i spent every spare moment of a 7 day period 2 weeks ago and watched every episode, so awesome.

considering you can share with 5 "family members" and split the costs, it dwindles down significantly annually

laughed so hard about 4 min mark i started coughing.. so random.

The mine smack is my favorite part. at about 4:25

One of my favorite memories was the only console I got for Christmas, my mom got me a Super Nintendo, I remember when I went to bed the first night after a long day of gaming, I woke up and thought it was a dream. I was just as excited when I went to the living room and it was still there :)

To the people saying its a horrible idea (not you), it works for Israel, I believe there are a few other places that do it as well.

yeah, lets ignore Israel doing it among other places.

It works in Israel, why not here?