
nah, quick answer for DC metro area is that you have PEPCO, thats what makes it take so long (going on my 3rd day with no power, been out since Friday at 11pm, was actually glad to come to work today)

if its a space issue why not make them bigger? granted that will suck for laptop users but they could fragment out they way desktop/laptop drives are now.

combichrist isnt industrial lol, Listen to Neubauten and Skinny Puppy then try and call it that, bands like combi and faderhead killed industrial

seeing VaC listed here blew my mind lol, I did one of the remixes for Caustic Disco and am in the notes on Art of Breaking Apart :)

as do hundreds of other models from various manufacturers...

y complaint is gizmodo called it "probably the best" when youre paying more and you get less than the average router gives you, I mean granted that's Apple's usual outcome, but still... I'm not of the norm though, I have a router with 4 ports, all filled, then a gigabit switch behind that, between cablecard reader,

no idea, buts its clearly one of each.

I would be happy putting all the stuff I dont want in a folder like I do with most stock apps on iphone/pad, my daughter uses it more than me, easier if she just sees netflix for her shows :)

one is internet/wan, one is network/lan

thank jebus, i just got one a few weeks ago for the bedroom for netflix and streaming, and i hate that i cant folder or remove all the crap ill never use

take out airplay and you have a huge selection of routers with more options (usb storage etc) and 4 gigabit jacks for about half the cost, how many people are going to have their router in a place with an audio hookup for airplay? mine is in a closet for instance.

didnt realize this was out already, spent like 20 minutes playing it at PAX East, guess I know what I'm playing tonight.

one is internet/wan, so its really only one

so pay more for a switch as opposed to half the price for a router with more features?

most things do airplay, my receiver even does it, aside from that, a 50$ premium over a more equipped linksys or similar? how many people keep their router near a device that needs audio?

"Possibly the best router ever" has one ethernet port? lol for the same price get a decent router with 4 GigE ports. Wont look as nice but function > form when its something you can stuff in a closet.

the sad part is the amount of people below posting examples of countless other groups doing same thing, a huge amount of electronic artists pretend live, its hard to recreate lots of sounds in a live environment, let alone timing, possible midi sync issues etc.