
mine was in german with random caps and numbers, i still got hacked. keep in mind most people only found out about the authenticator AFTER the hack, not everyone plays WoW

you can get clip ons, i bought a pair, its great :)

if a crap load of people get hacked, generally isnt their issue, its company's, they told me they couldnt restore my character, 25 hours gone, screw them.

Now playing

obligatory video, any time you talk about tesla and edison, this needs to be there, so awesome.

even with the shelf taken out i'd be screwed (g34) lol

i was in the jamspace room while they made that announcement of it being canceled, everyone was pretty mad, though i did get to see mega ran do a show a few hours after, so that was cool.

i chuckled a few times, was meh, then i got to the "we'll push them in the ocean" part and laughed pretty loud :)

more importantly, howard the duck

not surprising. saw it friday night at a sold out imax 3d showing, went again on sunday in regular 2d and it was sold out too. so between me and roomate thats 4 tickets this weekend lol

As interesting as any other man with t-rex arms

i need a woman who likes being complimented on her two rack build

Now playing

posting the starcraft one because its still the best, feature this one kotaku! #tips

mythbusters actually just did an episode on this

More likely that they would be on peeBay.

oh man, glad im on lunch break, had headphones on and cracking up in my office

that joke would work if mal was pronounced like maul, rather than its proper mal, it took me a minute to get it.

the same way david robert jones is back.

technically she did, told that guard he was her grandfather

except if it blows up, you lose that part of the galaxy, unless you ignore codex and watch the ending, then it does nothing!