
wrong thread

I'm more upset people call it the NIN/Reznor cover, it wouldnt be good without Karen O from Yeah Yeah Yeahs vocals!

not even the great matt fanale can save these songs

"Can You Hear Blu-ray’s Death Rattle?"

god, music like faderhead (or taterhead) has ruined the industrial/ebm scene, the video is cool, but all this no real content club hit bs sucks, combichrist brought it to higher popularity, but give me back my 242, nitzer ebb, etc. hell ill take VNV over this.

the fired shell thing always seemed pointless to me, at least to anyone who knows about guns, because if you want to do anything extra to a gun you can change the barrel, like a lone wolf on a glock to get threaded (or ported)

love his reviews, just shot my first idpa/uspsa matches this weekend! :)

since the first trailer ive mostly been amazed that theyre using Laibach for the music

well at least youre an awesome dad because youve got yo gabba gabba on in the background as they play with your gear.

between that and the random confetti pieces that would fall, hes really good at comedy on the fly, the opener was kinda dull, had one or two funny things, then bored me and the wife with that overly long thing about jesus or whatever.

caught his standup tour last month in dc, was pretty awesome, huge fan of his.

should add Breaking In on here, theres enough scifi/geek references to warrant it :) though the season opener wasnt as good as anything last season, still a great under rated show

or if youre like me and like to have fun, you get a glock with 33 +1 :)

lol i feel your pain, my two year old only likes the intro, then she yells for more, refuses to actually watch this show, all she really likes is yo gabba gabba, which im cool with because aquabats and also ladytron and other good artists on there.

not sure if ill make it this weekend but ill definitely be going soon since i live close

John Browning is rolling in his grave right now, poor 1911

i want the megaman game where he fights cybermen

link is dead, they pulled all content

yeah but now even if they cut some deal, hes screwed, whats left of anon will probably ruin his life even more before theyre taken in.