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immediately reminded me of this old clip from Jam from the UK, getting people jobs who are too dumb to realize it

i have two within an hour of me, its hell, my wife makes me go at least once a month for something, im officially sick of everything on their food menu

nope, it was awesome doing next day shipping on a 50+lb window AC a year or two ago, all $3.99 of its shipping costs lol

havent been there in about 3 years, moved to dc last year, was living in hyde park before that.

ah franklin park zoo, the only zoo ive ever been to where you walk outside of the zoo, and its crazier than on the inside

nah, too annoying, maybe silenced arcee

dont have it too loud, newborns sleep a lot, so isnt as bad as youd think

well thats because jennifer hale does loads of awesome work

only thing hes done lately is play a rapist on svu

rape by candlelight, booze, and kenny g albums

no one ever buys me bears

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was it the opposite of this? skip to 2:01

well done, nice evening laugh was had.

couldnt have been traded in at apple, they make you wipe all the data before they even take it in the back for a warranty swap.

yeah i posted that below too lol

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someone needs to show this girl the gizmodo post on how to properly record video, HOLD IT SIDEWAYS..

dunno why did this girl?

Holy shit joe cam, I remember you from kmfdm dogma days, I still have the vinyl I bought off you!

now im more upset i missed magfest, i live in MD now too. so a quick drive from there, met the who runs it when rare candy opened for freezepop. couldnt go cuz broke from a kitchen remodeling :(