
rape by candlelight, booze, and kenny g albums

no one ever buys me bears

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was it the opposite of this? skip to 2:01

well done, nice evening laugh was had.

couldnt have been traded in at apple, they make you wipe all the data before they even take it in the back for a warranty swap.

yeah i posted that below too lol

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someone needs to show this girl the gizmodo post on how to properly record video, HOLD IT SIDEWAYS..

dunno why did this girl?

Holy shit joe cam, I remember you from kmfdm dogma days, I still have the vinyl I bought off you!

now im more upset i missed magfest, i live in MD now too. so a quick drive from there, met the who runs it when rare candy opened for freezepop. couldnt go cuz broke from a kitchen remodeling :(

also #trollpatrol how does this guy have a star? "i just want to know how much better than you i am?" destar or ban please, this is just pure elitism and ridiculousness

it was drj that he did it to

except he passed ndaa and has done a shitty job, ron paul is against ndaa and sopa and most things that take away freedoms (patriot act, etc), republican or not he is a much better choice than obama, i voted obama the first time, but ill never do that again.

yeah, we've been lucky that i've been able to support us and have her do that, now she just turned 2 and we have her part time in a daycare/preschool so she gets more social interaction.

yeah its basically low res for video chat purposes only i figured, ipad is too unwieldy to be a decent camera anyway

we did cloth for like 4 months, but my wife was stay at home mom so it was feasible

why would you take a picture with an ipad, i may maybe if you dont have a phone, but even a crappy flip phone has a better camera than the ipad...

not one person mentioned Can't Hardly Wait lol

pretty psyched for this, day one purchase on that bluray, ive had the dvd for years, one of my top movies, plus anything with kitano in it = awesome..

the internet needs something to smack people when holding phones sideways for video recording, gizmodo put it best