wow this was awesome, on so many levels, btw that main driving music is from kavinsky, song is nightcall, check him out on spotify, that song was an awesome opener to the movie, now i want to see drive again.
wow this was awesome, on so many levels, btw that main driving music is from kavinsky, song is nightcall, check him out on spotify, that song was an awesome opener to the movie, now i want to see drive again.
all i know is after watching that fringe clip, it better be on tonight, baseball game or not.
dont worry, wasnt only you, up until earlier this week, i was in the same boat
2.00 USD = 1.40940 EUR
this made me realize how much i hate odd numbered BPMs, i think every song ive ever wrote ended in a 6, 0, 8
sprints service was so bad (only hit 1Mbps maybe two times from friday until yesterday)
was totally about to post this, "ive seen everything"
dont go sprint, its so bad, i got my 4s from them and was waiting to port my tmo number. atrocious speeds. its widespread too, but getting .20mbps is garbage
phone will be about same size as the average 4 incher since the bottom buttons are gone
i still vote Mega Ran (well Random and Lost Perception)'s final fantasy 7 rap album, black materia, its amazing stuff because not only are the beats from the game but updated, the raps are actually related to the game
weird, didnt even realize.
samsung has stores now?
yeah, those are exactly the words i used, good job.
dunno on treo side but winmo had some decent updates that made ie mobile suck slightly less and few other things, blanking on what they all were though, been quite a few years.
pretty sure palm and windows mobile made firmware updates well before apple entered the market.
yeah, i signed up for a new SERO account yesterday, did the 109.99 family plan with 1600 minutes, we'll never hit that since it has the free any mobile, then its 10 per line extra for smartphone, after tax looking at about 150 a month for a family plan with 2 64gb iphones, which is actually 4$ cheaper than what we…
sprint is even cheaper if youre creative and get yourself a SERO plan, thats what i did, going to test out their service with my wife (got us each a 64gb), if it sucks, we stick with tmobile and our galaxy s phones, one thing i know ill miss on tmobile, is that with iphone ill be stuck at 3mbps on sprint, and my last…