no, i got banned last week for it, had to email to get unbanned.
no, i got banned last week for it, had to email to get unbanned.
sorry i had it set to whore (hoping you were referring to makeup gun)
amazed how many exclusives sony have let go over the past few years
i think since seeing him as bullseye, havent taken him seriously
maybe just the ones ive watched sucked.. hm. quite possible.
missed that one, an anomaly!
" But trouble arrives when an intriguing stranger Jerry (Colin Farrell) moves in next door"
only in gene generation
you wouldnt be if you saw her insane looking nipples in Gene Generation lol, can kill a man with them, death by stabby
pinching her face!
guessing the photo isnt fully there, considering its talking about stalkings that we cant see
view on youtube, its the top comment. pretty sweet.
*gasp at rex ready* "who wear[sic] a bow tie anymore?"
gizmodo going down the tubes with kotaku and others, irrelevant sensationalist posts in abundance the last few weeks, first the design then this, anyone know good alternatives? at least io9 hasn't failed me... yet
except the ps3 hardware has NOTHING to do with their network's security.. so many people in the comments blaming geohot when he wasnt even involved.
if gawker breaks my gif, click to embiggen
considering only 999 different combinations, its a small feat id imagine
I love the gizmodo comment threads
loled pretty good at this one, office mate isnt amused, but i am.
i have it, still on sale at threadless i think, funny part is i wore it to six flags and every ride i went on, one of the workers were like holy crap! and loved it.