@MrBionic: dunno, maybe its the games you play, ive always been able to shoot the shit with people in socom, made alot of friends through it, cod4 as well.
@MrBionic: dunno, maybe its the games you play, ive always been able to shoot the shit with people in socom, made alot of friends through it, cod4 as well.
@MrBionic: how is UT3 even remotely better on 360, ps3 had free mods/maps/etc via a flash drive. #left4dead2
@illogix: 7.2 is the speed, not the frequency, so it still wont connect to tmo's 3g band #tmobilehspa72rollout
@krztov: weird, I reran it with the speedtest android app and it was a lot less. Hm #tmobilehspa72rollout
Just outside Boston:
@mangs: i lucked out, got mine on craigslist for same price as the normal one, bought it the week before they launched officially in the US so got the guy to come down in price.
this is probably for Home, it was one of the original things they said would be in home, streaming/watching movies with friends. #patents
@Platypus Man: yeah i love her recaps #chronotrigger
@Platypus Man: tell that to [io9.com] they all agree this season is horrible #chronotrigger
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(Corsair): yes, theres one in the comments (katamari kid) that gave me an issue, and i think one of the zoey ones did too, maybe some weird scripting, but i can tell theyre too large in res for what they are :) #left4dead
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(Corsair): get a better higher resolution monitor, im not having issues at 1680x1050 #left4dead
@sentroshi: sadly, no. so unless their "valued customers" spend more than around 260 a year on psn, then it has nothing to do with purchases, cuz id like to think ive spent alot. my wife however did not like the calculation i made of how much i spent :) #godofwariii
i figure ive spent more than i spent on my console (80gb BC which i sold and got a slim), i did a count, since november of 07, i've spent 527$ on PSN. thats alot of dlc/games/rockband tracks. #godofwariii
i loved portal, dont get me wrong, but for the love of god people stop with the cake is a lie quotes, its done its over, youve beat it to death. if youre going to bring back old overdone internet meme, i can find goatse somewhere lol. #weddings
so basically youre paying to use a character already in the game *facepalm* between the way they seem to want to do dlc on this and the clusterfuck of bugs i hit, glad i sold it after beating it. #marvelultimatealliance2
@James Henderson: its not bluray quality at 8gb, but fairly close using h264 codec in an mkv usually. problem is though bluray = uncompressed, streaming 1080p = compressed. i dont know about everyone else but i didnt spend 1200 on a 1080p tv to watch shitty compressed on it, same with my surround sound, i didnt get…