
people who think it might be awkward to hold Dualshock and motion controller, play the psn bowling game, you hold dualshock sideways and its actually not bad holding it that way.

@The SmacK: as i said, compared to wireless g, its pretty solid, hard to test wireless N for gaming other than on my laptop, which runs pretty smooth the few times ive gamed on it. i understand what youre saying, but i also do alot of network related things for a living, so i tend to notice latency alot more when it

@The SmacK: wireless N is pretty solid for that, i run wireless n on about 3 devices in my home.

@Annalee Newitz: ah didnt see it cuz of the new comments system, your comment is now deemed "older thread" :)

why bother with wireless N when ps3 has a gigabit ethernet port, more than 3x the speed of wireless N :)

@sqlrob: but really, are people going to complain about an hdmi cable they can get for 3$ on

@The SmacK: except wireless N wired speeds, wired speeds on xbox are 10/100, caps at 100mbps, wireless N caps at 300mpbs, :)

@7ucky: when doing streaming video/etc for the zune which is my understanding to be the main reason theyre doing this, 300mbps is plenty, wireless N is less about internet speeds, more about intranet speeds, computer to computer/etc, no one will need more than 300mbps until the US catches up on internet speeds, then

what, no mention of the fact that Simon from battlestar galactica was matt parkman's boss or partner?

wireless N adapter for 100$? come on microsoft, stop doing this price inflating, its getting so cheap you can wireless N expresscards for 15 bucks or so.

@fatheadwilson: it was more him saying theres pretty much no games on ps3, like most fanboys say.

@koi: mgs4, ratchet and clank, uncharted, infamous, resistance, countless psn games, etc. there now you have plenty of games to beat and those are just offhand

@furtin: yes, because ps3 has ZERO good games.

@playstationpwns: you shouldve seen the comments, EVERYONE at this point HATES slant six games, look at the socom forums, its a mess, took like 7 months to patch in advertised features/fix major bugs, been promised dlc from day one, still waiting on that, they kinda ruined the socom franchise.

@Paradice: if size was an issue you wouldnt see full bluray movies online at 25gb or so.

@DAS: dont think its bluetooth, i think its RF

@MCWHAMMER: those of us with the default background/theme didnt have that issue. it should be optional, just like the scrolling ad on top right

@FATDAN: hell yeah, ill hop the red line to the green and be there for sure next year :)