
I see this sort of thing happening worldwide eventually, just for different reasons. As more and more serious hacking attempts on organisations occur (and that means big losses of money), governments (who are obsessed with money and corruption) will slowly but surely clamp down, as they have done with everything else

"If You’re Not Apple, You Need to Stop with the iNames". And if you're Apple. This marketing campaign has gone on long enough in my opinion. iTire of it.

I saw it on Sunday - it was awesome :-) Can't wait for the next two!

True, and I keep forgetting the i3 is dual core!

Dual core? What is this, 2005?

Erm, isn't this a bit old news, considering the first season was released in 2010?

Good luck when you upgrade your iPhone to a version that no longer supports it in a couple years time ;-)

Nothing on Orange HTC Desire HD (UK). Does Carrier IQ only affect the States?

Uh no. Because they're games. GAMES.

Can't say I approve of anything snuff-related whatsoever. Only thing I will say though, is that with the suppression of just about anything, it doesn't mean the people with such kinks go away (Neo-Nazis, leftist revolutionaries, sexists, murderers, rapists, you name it). They'll still be there, and they'll find ways

you're life => your life

$900 for 5" monitors? Rather go for the Adam A7a or KRK VXT 8 in that range. Far superior well-established brands, quality, frequency response, signal to noise ratios. The 8" might be worth it for the extra connectivity, but not for the additional price. Pioneer is a brand for DJs, so for that part of the article

Considering you'd have to recharge this thing with, most likely, fossil-fuel-based electricity (you know, the type that emits CO2), how is this 'green/eco' compared to using a conventional wired or petrol/diesel device? Just because you don't create the CO2 right there doesn't mean it's not being created elsewhere.

Played it for months last year, loved it, got bored of it, stopped playing it. It's great for what it is, deserves the high ratings, but really, it's very old news now. We need a new cult game.

Oh agreed, no MMO can match WoW's sheer numbers and revenue - I only really wanted to point out the age difference.

Also...why is this looking like a 3rdPS? As a sniper game? Wow, I hope that doesn't happen.

As a game it was a bit too short and a bit average. But it was beautiful for the time. Everyone was raging about Crysis looking incredible. Well, I thought Sniper looked better and played smoother, but maybe that's just me.

Ultima Online is just a smidge older...1997.

They'll jump, and some will stay if it's a good game. Until the next WoW expansion comes out.

//troll - who said iPhones couldn't look more ridiculous?