
Meh. I remember when bird flu first surfaced, at least in global media, a few years ago. 'Experts' reckoned that a third of the UK would be wiped out by it. Well, pretty sure there have been less than a handful of deaths here.

Nevermind, did the URL number ID thing from an earlier post.

It's all relative and hugely subjective. I personally cannot stand OS X and do reckon Windows 8 will bring the fence-sitters back to PCs, but OS X fans will disagree for sure, and that's fair enough.

Doesn't work for me at all - can anyone confirm if they've had it work on Steam UK?

This sort of thing is nothing new at all. I was involved in a food shoot once as a runner, back before Photoshop was good enough to do this sort of thing well enough.

Hardware barely sells tablets (unless they're really terrible), but Operating Systems do. These rumoured tablets will sell like wildfire if Windows RT/8 is a hit.

Now playing

She's an odd one. Personally I don't think she's amazing nor terrible, but certainly unusual. However, I do think she looks like a complete spacker in many of her videos, especially in this one.

Thanks for that! Strange to think he was like that - perhaps he was just misunderstood, though you never know what goes on behind the scenes. Doesn't stop his work from being great though :-)

I love this song, one of my favourites of all time. My mom and I used to sing it loads when I was a little kid, and it always reminds me of her when I hear it, may she rest in peace.

Welcome to the games industry. I'm still astounded at how legislatively immature the industry is in comparison to the likes of film and tv, considering it's not far off in work content.

Oh but come now, it's Apple, they must have done it first, right? ;-) I've had this in a laptop since '10. It's been around ever since the original i3/i5/i7 CPUs. In fact, I actually had turbo boost on an old '94 486-DX2 :-)

Good luck squinting, everyone!

Let the Chaos Begin...

The sad thing is that those workers on clean-up duty afterwards would have received significant radiation doses - radiation suits hadn't been developed by that stage.

They're back, huzzah!

I love how the start of the video states "The secret of Apple's durable laptops & iPods".

"A Year After Fukushima, This Japanese Cell Phone Will Detect Radiation".

You pose a truly incredible argument.

Not true in the UK. Immigrants and asylum seekers, especially from Africa and Asia, get more money through the welfare system whilst not even lifting a finger than I make with my full-time job, employed in something pretty highly skilled with a good University degree, and that's working for one of the largest

Point taken, but still very arguable and of a certain opinion. Just sayin'.