
Touche salesman, touche...

I hope they do this with Demigod!

And we need this...why? Most computers aren't even on quadcore. Heck, they're probably not even dualcore. What on earth does a phone or a tablet need with 8 cores (at present or near future anyway), other than to destroy a battery?

Just build a proper sewerage system before building masses of unoccupied buildings, next.

I'm guessing it comes down to cost vs. what you get...

Sounds like QuickTime for Windows :-)

Charge less for your overpriced goods and they'll sell like hotcakes.

Unfortunately, many people are allergic to caffeine, many nut allergy sufferers are allergic to coffee beans, and caffeine prevents the brain's ability to effectively produce melatonin - ESSENTIAL in preventing brain tumours - which is why heavy doses of Melatonin are given to cancer patients, to help them sleep and

None, now that Jobs is gone.

Ah, it was only a matter of time until viruses became more standard on Macs.

Compare this to the Fritzl case in Austria.

Lolwut? This song is like 6 or more years old, I was listening to this when I was at University. Great song though!

I'm surprised (but also not) by this.

Hah. They'll probably do quite well. Scrap that, make an absolute killing. Joe Publics here are technologically backward for the most part, and PC World / Curry's (same parent body) cater to clueless technophobes.

I was a tester on Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. It was nothing short of awful. RIP BioWare, you sell-outs :'-(

Too little too late, the talent is lost and the industry has hit critical mass.

Don't forget South Africa...It's BRICS now, has been since December '10.

Is it just me, or does this just look like Spotify?

Agreed; I wasn't clear in my statement. What I meant to indicate was that I don't think there's a huge difference between overcrowded London traffics vs. overcrowded Joburg traffic. I don't see the reason for the huge divide in rating. London is old-fashioned alley-way road systems, the likes of Joburg CBD (and a

One of many articles out there on statistics: