
@Tyrunn: True. Though I can understand a purchase that large for something more permanent than MMO items that will only be around for a few years, if that.

@Kryters: Of course this could just be some guy trying to gain some fame. It could be a friend of his making the purchase; they could have pooled money together or some such thing. Or maybe he bought it from himself?

The sale doesn't bother me. It's the purchase that does. Who buys this stuff for that kind of money, and why?

A Lynx, but no Game Gear or GameBoy? Blasphemy!

"People don't like to hold gadgets in their hands, that includes keyboards and mice."

"Cruise ships, airlines and car companies all used bold, iconic ads to sell their vision of the future. It's a vision that transfers easily to classic video games."

Setting Up and "Tuning" Your Xbox 360 Kinect:

I can't stand the piss-poor, one-sided slating of this title by gamers and writers/commentators alike.

Man I miss those games. I was a huge fan of the Ultima, Wing Commander, Strike Commander games.

Golden Axe! Yeah baby. What a great system.

Chillingo - wrong. Acquired by EA and soon to be dispersed, as it is the inevitable conclusion.

Pointless. Next.

Blizzard aren't going after them. Craptivision are.

This was the only thing stopping me from buying certain games I knew I would only play once.

Confirmed on UK Steam! Can't wait!

If anything it'll make it easier for me to knock iPad gaming. Gimmicky game for a gimmicky device.

Mass Effect. BORING!

I REALLY want one.

A poorly adapted Neverending Story. That's all this game looks like.