"Imagine a portable gaming device without a traditional screen using the projector to allow you to play your games wherever you please."
"Imagine a portable gaming device without a traditional screen using the projector to allow you to play your games wherever you please."
Wow, they're even more pointless than the device itself! I do like the look of the Mac Classic though.
I'm sure it would run on all of them, but Mr. Big$$$ Jobs most likely told his developers to block the older ones, then rubbed his hands together and said:
Looks atrocious.
@Kryters: Please note the above links are for different pages...if you're really keen, have a browse through the entire site - great for Atari hardware nostalgia!
@Kryters: And here:
Many more here, though unfortunately a few links don't work anymore:
I looked at the screenshot and thought, 'Wow, this looks promising'.
Hopefully nobody. It would be atrocious.
I don't think I'll ever understand cosplay.
@ashlar: Jealousy of a phone bound to being encased in a condom for the rest of its life? I can text on mine, make calls and use its gps...don't need much more than that. I will give you one thing: it is the prettiest iPhone/phone released. If they made other phones as pretty, Apple would lose its market.
Ah, I think the biggest trouble here is that you're spending time on your iPad and iPhone. That'll destroy the brain rapidly; first off the wallet-disintegrating action that defied all thought and logic to purchase overpriced novelty items. Secondly to waste your free time using them in public. Brain drain!
@SquareWheel: Either that or a unified interface that's platform independant - one size fits all sort of thing. I hope it doesn't go that route...I dislike the notion of a lack of competition and/or dictated rules ala "you WILL use this as it's all there is". Almost how Steam is at the moment for PC games...almost.
I have the Sharp KC930EKW, and I must say it's good for what it does. It depends exactly what you want it for.
@SquareWheel: I reckon you're right there, I think that'll happen too. We'll likely end up using a unified platform - whether that's a Mac or at least a more unified PC platform (much like Android smartphones) to play games via 'browsers' (heaven forbid!), or rather just through digital streaming services with cloud…
@samosir: It looks like it is:
Here's to paying half the price of a Mac but having better gaming/general performance. <3 PC.
Yes. YES!!!!
I doubt they will ever exist again, at least via a large publisher. There's too much emphasis on the mass market and making a quick buck to allow such time-consuming creativity in a large dev studio. Production line, production line, production line.
Get neither. Next.