
I love the public expression by mailed dildos. It’s a nation wide performance art piece, and communicates so many things: Here are some replacements for the anatomy you must be missing. A fun way to pass the time while stuck in that bird refuge with a bunch of other bored guys. These are grownup toys for adults who do

Isn't Fiorino part of the anti-sex education crowd? So sex Ed is bad unless taught to preschoolers on camera for political reasons?

The sheer number of people who had to think this was okay is mind boggling. So initially some significant number of Fiorino staffers, plus Fiorino herself (though she’s such a twit I doubt she’d have a coherent thought about it). There is also the botanical garden staff, who were willing to reserve a space for her to

That's not entirely true, PTSD can be caused by any significant exposure to violence or its after effects. That's how medical staff ends up with it.

That makes sense. I’m not a visual learner, so I in person demonstrations don’t help me as much as a memorable situations. There are a lot of places simulations — or at least visuals — would be a better tool than the favored memorization.

Measuring that shadow of a desk to determine it’s height might be involve real world objects but it’s much more engaging to figure out how far a student tossed off the Tower of Pisa falls as observed by a tourist.

I doubt the people on the poor floors have identical apartments to the wealthy ones. Proximity to wealthy people doesn’t have much value — especially when they are trying to ignore your existence. (The poor folks don’t even get the dubious value of a fancy address.)

Visits were never a problem (besides annoying border guys). But getting a green card involved an enormous checklist of ‘do you plan to’ and ‘have you ever’. It was a little weird that my thirteen year old brother had to affirm he had no plans to engage in prostitution or overthrow the government.

Eventually the US will figure out that public health is a public good just like roads or clean drinking water . . . Right, Flint, I forgot.

When my family was moving from Canada to the US part of the screening process was being checked for TB. So the US is (or was) happy to penalize people for bringing pestilence in.

I think you are right, Snyder and anyone else involved need to be up on charges of ‘reckless disregard’ or something similar. I hope it’s just that evidence is still being gathered.

I don’t think you can run a slum on one side of the building but get away with it because the other side is posh.

We can’t teach the kids about gravity. They might jump off a cliff!

Because learning calculus and algebra isn’t about the numbers. It’s about learning a problem solving method by applying rules based on pattern recognition and available information.

There are many groups whose good goals and bad methods. Anti-war groups targeting veterans, for example. Or animal rights groups attacking research facilities.

Maybe about the engagement — that's a contract and he misrepresented his position. Maybe any money she spent on him since he was essentially conning her out of money for purposes other than their relationship.

Are you sure your friend Chris is getting the pictures from women?

It was no longer manufactured by a legal enterprise. It's still manufactured by clandestine drug labs alongside meth and other chemistry experiments. No prescription needed.

If you have the reputation and connections to cover up serial assaults then getting ahold of illegal drugs would be easy. I’m just surprised he didn’t switch to roofies or something else more current.

It's unfortunate that all his co-conspirators will not be brought to justice. Bill may be a dried up prune that won't live though his trial, but a lot of the people who helped him are still out there potentially doing the same thing for other celebrities.