
I’m thinking there’s lots of ways to get someone you love involved in the wedding - maybe have good sis perform the ceremony or be the official “party planner. MOH job can be pared down to buy dress, walk there, stand there. Excellent opportunity to choose the most horrifying bridesmaid dress ever.

Women use any little excuse to stay home, that’s why women were the only ones to show up for work during the 2016 D.C. snowstorm. ::head desk::

Probably hoping he’d get one of those serial killer Uber drivers.

I think you could pull it off without telling your colleagues it’s about sexism. Just talk about how important it is to support and credit people who have good ideas. It's good for workplace morale, and being able to recognize and credit a good idea is leadership behavior.

Maybe it you carried an entire seal carcass. A steak for a polar bear is like throwing a chicken nugget at a lion.

I would have guessed Karelian bear dogs - that's the breed used to condition grizzly, black, and brown bears. Though a polar bear is bigger than a grizzly so maybe a bigger breed is needed?

I really want to send him anatomy and kinesiology textbooks with the descriptions of hip and pelvis movement highlighted.

I'm rather surprised that the daycare isn't licensed out to some other company. There must be daycare providers willing to take care of hiring and legalities in return for a large customer base, reliable payments, and/or cheaper rent.

Even if all bee keepers had been alerted in time to protect their hives, the wild pollinators would still be dead. Plus all the predatory species that keep mosquitos in check are also dead.

I was actually waiting for the “wear a ring” counterpoint, on the basis that an unattached person with lady parts is just on the prowl to attract a husband and will ruin the office environment with her sexy wiles.

So, what is the predetermined correct behavior for being psychologically shaken?

Female cats are called queens, only dogs are bitches: demonstrating the essential difference between cat people and dog people.

True, there doesn't seem to be a way to make the situation safe. But I don't think the potential for blame would be significantly different between a DV call that removes weapons and a DV call that does not.

A lot of warm, still water could encourage the Zika epidemic as mosquitos have so much more space to breed. I wonder if that is figured into the funding needed for recovery.

Spouse signing the application might just be another opportunity for intimidation or abuse. Maybe a set period of time with no additional domestic abuse calls plus a psychologist certification.

If “sexism” only happens to weak victims, and you are not a weak victim, then what happened must be your own fault. Once you decide you deserve the behavior, it’s reframed as complimentary (like catcalls) or normal procedure (only whiny people complain).

I wonder if being anti-feminist makes a woman an easier target for shit like this? It seems like some lack of confidence would already be in place.

I think being able to convince someone you are psychic is more impressive than actually being psychic. An actual psychic is just exercising some inborn gift to repeat what dead people say. To pretend to be a psychic takes massive research and an innate understanding of body language, statistical likelyhood, and

I don’t understand the argument that they are “just atheists” and “not real satanists”. What difference does it make what they believe? You can't forbid a club because it’s not religious enough, even if it’s a religion club.

The existence of a animal, even one that thrives in urban environments, is not really sufficient reason to kill it. Sure they are opportunistic, highly intelligent, and amaxingly adaptable. In addition to small mammals and aquatic life, they also eat lots of insects - like cockroaches. Raccoons are also excellent