I think it all comes from the theory that women don't understand anything unless it's explained by a man. (My husband just reminded me not to superglue myself to the kitchen table).
I think it all comes from the theory that women don't understand anything unless it's explained by a man. (My husband just reminded me not to superglue myself to the kitchen table).
U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt is my new hero. No stupid rape apology, no “undue hardship to good citizen”, or “they were mentally mature” or “asking for it”. Just more time in prison than the plea agreement requires because of “the scope of the criminal behavior”.
I wonder if it will ruin his expert witnessing gig though. All the state needs to do is say, “Are you the psychiatrist that suggested convicted pedophile Jared Fogle had ‘mild pedophilia’?” and the jury starts side-eyeing everthing he says.
I thought mild pedophilia would be an uncomfortable attraction to animated disney characters even after finding out how old their characters were supposed to be.
I don’t feel badly for his kids either, I think they are lucky to get the hell away from a pedophile. I think they are lucky to have a mom who is clear-sighted enough to get out of the relationship without detouring into “I’m sure he didn’t do it, I love him,” etc.
All that crap I’ve had to listen to about how Americans would never vote for a socialist, and it turns out they are ready to vote Fascist at the first opportunity.
Two men enter, one man leaves (to be immediately stoned to death by supporters of the other guy).
Fact checkers don’t point anything out until the day after and by then it’s too late.
It must be so reassuring to be a conspiracy theorist. I mean, that deep, visceral belief that someone out there is organized enough to commit these massive frauds. Someone, somewhere, has a plan and even if they are plotting against us.
I wonder whether that was Kate Winslet’s agent telling her that since she’s a mediocre actor so she better act flexible and compliant or she’ll never work again.
I wish I was rich enough to think that money was vulgar.
They have volunteer parents doing the janitorial work, teachers working for free, and money to take some of the parents out for wild parties. And no one thought this was a problem? This sounds like the beginning of an IRS audit.
He may think he’s a vigilante, but that doesn’t mean we have to agree with him. He probably thinks he’s the protagonist too.
But imagine how much worse it would get if they each had someone saying: “It’s seems perfectly reasonable to spend 28 hours flying to an endurance trial held on the Russian steppes in winter. Maybe there’s a discount for buying two tickets instead of one.”
Is there a cure for Born Again Jock Syndrome? My Dad decided 5K runs weren’t enough, so he ran marathons. Then marathons weren’t interesting enough so he ran ultramarathons (ie. how far can you go in 24 hours). Then he wanted to qualify for the Boston marathon (and now I need to go to Boston in 2017 to cheer him on).…
Psst: Did you know at the end of Romeo and Juliet, they both die? Julius Caesar? Caesar dies, his best friends all stab him. Macbeth? The witches are tres awesome but pretty much everybody dies.
How did they always manage to find someone to read outloud who either had the vocabulary of a three year old or to presentation skills of a dead turtle? I swear the practice was designed to stifle any enjoyment the story might have otherwise offered.
Damn, I wish I’d thought of that.
Me too! My math teacher hated me reading in class but I kept a good grade so she couldn’t do much. Every report card had “A+, poor attitude - needs to pay attention in class”. I went through a brief period of reading Shakespere in class just to really annoy her.
Unless he’s fighting crime he’s not a vigilante he’s an asshole. I didn’t see any robbers tied up with rope and he sure wasn’t wearing a bat suit.