
You forgot the part where her sisters give up their golden hair in order to get her a magic knife that, if she kills the prince, will turn her back. The story is a tragedy all the way through — all about reminding people not to strive to leave their place in life.

Whatever happened to leaving your estate entirely to charity? Or your cat?

If he has taken them on, he’s failed pretty miserably. Not many people brag about projects they’ve taken on but failed to improve. “Taken on” could just mean he thought about it really hard.

I’m kinda hoping he does something so outrageous that it will ruin both his campaign and political career. Like admit he’s a Michigan fan or agree that North Carolina really should get the credit for the Wright Brothers.

Dust off and nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

I hope everytime someone searches for the town’s name this article comes up. I hope every business thinking of opening a branch or factory or warehouse decides they don’t want to expose their employees to a town full of rape apologists; that they don’t want to hire people clearly lacking a moral compass. I hope

Are you kidding? Feminists are blamed for everything from clothing styles to governmental instability. Certainly sweet little innocent child would never choose to dress that way without the influence of evil feminists. And if feminists weren’t so cold and sexless then all those rapists could get their needs satisfied

Well, as a gardener, I can say there is a theory that watering during rain when recent weather conditions are very dry improves overall water uptake because the extra water loosens the soil.

My neighbor is doing her thesis on medical advice given to women during and about pregnancy. It's not a new phenomenon, women were once told to avoid traumatic images (no scary poor people) or traumatic news both while pregnant or trying to conceive. At least pregnant women are now permitted to watch the news while

Don’t like the moderators? Fine. How about all the candidates just argue with each other without any pesky moderators. The winner is decided by a team of fact checkers and logicians with points off for mis-statements, bad statistics, and outright lies as well as logical fallacies.

Girls locker rooms can get pretty ugly too. Usually limited to verbal assault, theft, vadalism, minor cuts and bruises, and of course shunning. I can’t imagine that would be more enjoyable with a penis.

Anatomy is only important in the doctors office. Any other time social decisions made based on physical attributes it gets irrational fast.

Putting a bunch of hormone ridden, naked teenage boys (or girls) together without supervision is nuts regardless. Sexual assault is about power not genitalia, it happens to cis/straight boys who aren’t big enough to fight back too.

Awww, she’s growing up! Earlier in her campaign she would have insisted that the statistics were totally true and the fact checkers were part of some sort of liberal conspiracy. Now she admitted she mis-spoke like a real adult.

I hope so. It certainly sounds like she didn’t agree with the policy and possibly didn’t enforce it unless the boss was there watching. Talking to the owner wouldn’t have helped change this policy, I wonder whether it would be possible to complain to the fair labor board about having to enforce discriminatory

Though perhaps if one is predisposed to be unhinged by a situation relatively out of one’s control (non-fake spiders do occur) perhaps arrange to not have a deadly weapon handy?

The question is, did he pull the gun in a phobic reaction to the spiders or did he pull the gun to threaten his co-workers in an embarrassment? Also, of course, did his office have a guns-in-the-workplace policy that he was breaking long before any spiders were involved?

I’m not a vegan (trying to navigate between various migraine-inducing foods is hard enough) but I have to admit that meat-eaters and vegetarians spend as much time preaching about life choices as vegans.

The world is going to be so much better when they get the single shot sterilization working. It would be the biggest improvement in companion animal welfare since the RSPCA was established.

There is a theory that if an animal is overwhelmingly likely to be euthanized for overpopulation reasons (ie more than six months old) the original owner should at least have the decency to be there during the euthanasia to so that the animal does not die surrounded by strangers.