
My first thought on seeing the article was joy that he was actually convicted and would be receiving some sort of punishment because it seemed so likely he’d just escape the whole thing. One more of those “she was mature for her age” or “why ruin a promising young man’s future” or “nobody really knows what happened”.

I feel sorry for the Bremerton School District officials. They start out trying to wrangle a grouchy ass of a football coach who has social clout because FOOTBALL. They finally almost have him convinced that God will still hear him if he prays in the bathroom. Then suddenly there are lawyers, and satanists, and

Part of this underlying idea that anyone doing anything wrong “deserves” to be raped/assaulted/murdered. Anything from crime to mild social blunders — “well it’s not like he/she was an angel”, “should have known better than to...”.

You forgot: after physically assaulting him to the point of hospitalization they also falsely charged him with assault and harassment so he woke up in the hospital disoriented, confused, in pain, and handcuffed to the bed. The charges have NOT been dropped, they are in contemplation of dismissal.

Facial fractures and head trauma can take a long time to heal, and may require a lot of specialized medical care to avoid scarring and nerve damage. Physical therapy. Plus putting someone with head trauma under anesthesia is dangerous.

...dedicated working space for women-centric community service organizations, as well as a restaurant, art gallery, and additional office space for technology and innovation tenants.

I’d bet something polished wood . . . rolling pin? Witches got the reputation for “riding” brooms from x-rated use of broom handles, so that’s a possibility. Anything wood in a wet, salty environment is likely to decay fast so even if the “he’s at home” was a unitasker if might be unlikely to survive.

Dildos predate lonely sailor’s wives in Nantucket, they were popular in ancient Rome. Both the actual article (polished stone or wood) and significant written discussion on the best qualities of said article have survived. Notably they were used by both men and women.

Glad to hear your parent’s sphynx is slimming down. Griffin was 20 pounds when he arrived at the shelter (from a hoarding situation). He was about 15 pounds when we brought him home — his correct weight was around 8 pounds. At ten years old or so, his skin didn’t really recover from the weight loss so he had old lady

Cat lady: prefers cats as pets and as company.

It’s okay. My dog is a cat lady, she personally adopted one of the last litter of stray kittens we fostered. Species is not a bar to cat-lady-dom.

I’m sure your next kitty will find you soon. They always seem to know when you are ready even before you do.

My father is like that too. Like, eh, I’ve had one dog why do I ever need another one? He also claims to not like cats at all. Its the only conversation I’ve ever had with my father where I felt like we weren’t related, and possibly not even speaking the same language.

You hate cats. That’s fine that’s just fine. You know who else hated cats? Hitler. If you want to be the same as Hitler just go ahead. Just go on with your Hitler-esque cat hating, I’m sure that will never be any problem for you. Hitler.

I went to see what they were doing and they both kind of looked at me like, WE’RE JUST SITTING HERE, WE PROMISE WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING RISQUE. PROMISE. But I don’t believe it for a minute.

The standard rule is one cat is normal, two cats are normal, three cats are crazy cat lady territory.

You can also double up on square feet by having shelves or other climbing surfaces. Having enough litter boxes is the killer, IMHO.

I think the moral here is never challenge someone on the internet who has a better vocabulary and grasp of snark than yourself.

I actually had to do that reporting thing with a contracting company I worked for, they tried to get out of paying me by saying I didn’t fill out a time sheet — which I would have if they’d told me I needed to.

The administrator didn’t want to be sued. The teacher didn’t want flack from the administrator, or to be caught in the same suit. The student is standing there having just watched an assault, having been threatened for filming it, having probably heard all the authority figures say it was okay, is talking to another