
There are a lot of people out there that think any attention given to a woman, positive or negative, should flatter them.

Cats have been a staple on boats for nearly as long as humans built boats. They were supposed to eat the vermin that otherwise wiped out supplies, chewed up ropes, and woodwork. They were also expected provide assorted weather prediction skills and luck. I imagine having someone soft and fluffy aboard was good for

Something about being pregnant makes a woman public property to some people. As though turning food into a human isn’t enough a woman has to manage everyone’s advice, folklore, and prohibitions. I could understand other mothers comparing experiences — people compare experiences buying cars or having teeth removed. But

The worst part was afterward trying to figure out what ‘rule’ I broke. I was sober, aware of my surroundings, in a reasonably good neighborhood at three in the afternoon. I was dressed in jeans and a tee, not remotely flirty. I was even wearing a ‘wedding ring’ though I was actually single at the time. I spent way too

I had a regular, non-cab driving guy do that to me too. An unfortunate stretch on the walk home without convenient stores or restaurants to duck into. I ended up ranting like a crazy person about having to prepare for a visit from my parents, and that scared him away.

I don’t drive, and also don’t live in a city particularly kind to non-drivers so I’ve taken a lot of taxis. If a driver does something stupid he risks taking down his entire taxi company — which is generally made up of friends and family.

Pretending children don’t exist because you don’t like their paperwork could never backfire. I mean, all those infants will just crawl or toddle their way back to their parents’ country of origin. If they can’t get a birth certificate they just cease to exist, right?

I imagine when your choices are vote or eat the decision is already made.

If the US had an election system like Britian or Canada that limits this overspending crap all that money would go toward other donations. We'd have a cure for cancer, a flying car, and be living on the moon with our genetically engineered blue roses. Dammit rich people, forget politics and invest in a flying car!

Yeah, you’d figure there would be a ton of roles for women under this scheme. I mean, why pay three times as much for the wise cracking best friend?

Honey Nut Cheerios is one of the few things I can eat after a migraine that does not trigger additional nausea. So, yes, a little emotionally attached.

Do they have any experts that are not frauds?

I think mandatory parental leave (for both parents, dammit) would help with this. Maybe paid family medical leave for extended family helping out.

He is advocating terrorism — or at least that organization is. ‘Blood guilt’, death threats to medical personnel, recruiting online with bloody, misleading videos . . . It's even relying on a misinterpretation of religious teachings. If he wasn't an American Christian he'd be called a state sponsored terrorist. No

I find it hard to believe that tendency towards rape is a new thing in the Marines that just happened when they started integrating. There have been complaints about Marine behavior at embassies for years (Japan comes to mind, and it’s not like they have a sparkling reputation).

There are so many options for helping at a DV shelter. My mom used to do the gardening for one — that happens to be her skill set. They had someone come in and paint rooms, someone else babysitting, people who knitted hats and scarves and blankets. It's one of the few places where nearly any skill you have can be

My local emergency room separates all intakes during registration to screen for domestic abuse. Seems like a great idea except that the screen with the questions is visible through the glass wall of the intake room, where whoever delivered you to the ER is waiting. Assuming said abuser doesn’t just throw a fit and

I always worry something like this would be used for victim blaming, “All she had to do was draw a dot on her hand to get help if the abuse was that bad.” As though competent help would materialize out of thin air.

It's much easier to restrict rights than it is to fix a failed economic, diplomatic, and military strategy.

So the solution to widespread starvation, poverty, and sexual assault is unwanted children and illegal back alley abortions? Please do not tell any Republicans this theory.