
She’s proven that women too can be rape apologists after commiting sexual assault. So, hurrah equality?

When I thought it would be a good idea to abandon all the anti-abortion people on an island somewhere, this was not what I had in mind.

Thanks for explaining the difference. I had thought that the term ‘midwife’ alone meant training and certification. It's horrifying that someone can call themselves a midwife with no medical training.

It was okay to give launch codes to a guy who couldn’t pronounce “nuclear”, but the woman described widely as coldly analytical is too emotional for you?

It looks like accusation of witchcraft is also conviction of witchcraft, even Salem had trials (sham trials, but still).

Sadly, excess faith is not considered a mental illness.

Great, and now that corporations can have religion, I guess they’ll be free to say that their relgion compels them to lie, cheat and steal too.

We find that a large number of our clients don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies or their developing baby.

Probably a wise choice. If the cleveland cops can “reasonably” shoot a twelve year old alone with a toy gun, how is a SWAT team supposed to know which guy-with-a-gun in a mass shooting is the good guy?

1. Someone in the room did have a gun. He was the guy shooting people. Turning a classroom into a motercycle gang bar raid is not going to reduce casualties.

Rather than 3 days in jail, how about mandatory sessions with a psychiatrist? How about finding another way for her to testify that minimizes her anxiety (ie, no audience in court room. Anti-anxiety meds. Presence of supportive family members. Hell, even a therapy dog.). If the primary focus is getting testimony, then

Thankful this jackass didn’t have a gun instead of that knife. Non-life threatening injuries . . .

As a Canadian, I have a deep dislike of Americans discussing WWII.

But depriving social animals of interaction with other adults of their species is okay? WTF.

No one works closely with animals except for the love of it. It’s a messy, dangerous job that doesn’t garner much respect and the pay is generally lower than any non-animal equivelant.

I think it’s a difficult argument to say both that animals require reproduction to be emotionally fulfilled and that the way to that fulfillment is artificial insemination, separation from family members during pregnancy and birthing, early separation of calf and mother etc. Zoos and wildlife facilities introduce a

As someone who rarely appears in public without reading material (including weddings, birthdays, and baseball games) I think the lure of interrupting someone reading is that there is an instant conversation starter: “what are you reading?”

This drove me crazy in anatomy class at Community College. Most of the class were on the nursing track, and a significant portion couldn’t say “penis” without giggling, not to mention a uterus or ovary.

I think sex ed needs to start before kids start having sex, preferably lots before. We don’t wait until they can drive a car before teaching them how one works — kids learn about steering wheels way before 16, plus basic traffic laws, and even maintenance. Vehicles are less pivitol in life than significant portion of

Fifth grade was when sex-ed stuff started at my (Canadian) grade school. It was mostly anatomy and puberty stuff, with a brief introduction to egg-and-sperm stuff. I know in the US they prefer to wait to do sex ed until the shame and misinformation has had time to sink in and/or hell has frozen over.