
Honey Nut Cheerios is one of the few things I can eat after a migraine that does not trigger additional nausea. So, yes, a little emotionally attached.

Do they have any experts that are not frauds?

I think mandatory parental leave (for both parents, dammit) would help with this. Maybe paid family medical leave for extended family helping out.

He is advocating terrorism — or at least that organization is. ‘Blood guilt’, death threats to medical personnel, recruiting online with bloody, misleading videos . . . It's even relying on a misinterpretation of religious teachings. If he wasn't an American Christian he'd be called a state sponsored terrorist. No

I find it hard to believe that tendency towards rape is a new thing in the Marines that just happened when they started integrating. There have been complaints about Marine behavior at embassies for years (Japan comes to mind, and it’s not like they have a sparkling reputation).

There are so many options for helping at a DV shelter. My mom used to do the gardening for one — that happens to be her skill set. They had someone come in and paint rooms, someone else babysitting, people who knitted hats and scarves and blankets. It's one of the few places where nearly any skill you have can be

My local emergency room separates all intakes during registration to screen for domestic abuse. Seems like a great idea except that the screen with the questions is visible through the glass wall of the intake room, where whoever delivered you to the ER is waiting. Assuming said abuser doesn’t just throw a fit and

I always worry something like this would be used for victim blaming, “All she had to do was draw a dot on her hand to get help if the abuse was that bad.” As though competent help would materialize out of thin air.

It's much easier to restrict rights than it is to fix a failed economic, diplomatic, and military strategy.

So the solution to widespread starvation, poverty, and sexual assault is unwanted children and illegal back alley abortions? Please do not tell any Republicans this theory.

She’s proven that women too can be rape apologists after commiting sexual assault. So, hurrah equality?

When I thought it would be a good idea to abandon all the anti-abortion people on an island somewhere, this was not what I had in mind.

Thanks for explaining the difference. I had thought that the term ‘midwife’ alone meant training and certification. It's horrifying that someone can call themselves a midwife with no medical training.

It was okay to give launch codes to a guy who couldn’t pronounce “nuclear”, but the woman described widely as coldly analytical is too emotional for you?

It looks like accusation of witchcraft is also conviction of witchcraft, even Salem had trials (sham trials, but still).

Sadly, excess faith is not considered a mental illness.

Great, and now that corporations can have religion, I guess they’ll be free to say that their relgion compels them to lie, cheat and steal too.

We find that a large number of our clients don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies or their developing baby.

Probably a wise choice. If the cleveland cops can “reasonably” shoot a twelve year old alone with a toy gun, how is a SWAT team supposed to know which guy-with-a-gun in a mass shooting is the good guy?

1. Someone in the room did have a gun. He was the guy shooting people. Turning a classroom into a motercycle gang bar raid is not going to reduce casualties.