
Rather than 3 days in jail, how about mandatory sessions with a psychiatrist? How about finding another way for her to testify that minimizes her anxiety (ie, no audience in court room. Anti-anxiety meds. Presence of supportive family members. Hell, even a therapy dog.). If the primary focus is getting testimony, then

Thankful this jackass didn’t have a gun instead of that knife. Non-life threatening injuries . . .

As a Canadian, I have a deep dislike of Americans discussing WWII.

But depriving social animals of interaction with other adults of their species is okay? WTF.

No one works closely with animals except for the love of it. It’s a messy, dangerous job that doesn’t garner much respect and the pay is generally lower than any non-animal equivelant.

I think it’s a difficult argument to say both that animals require reproduction to be emotionally fulfilled and that the way to that fulfillment is artificial insemination, separation from family members during pregnancy and birthing, early separation of calf and mother etc. Zoos and wildlife facilities introduce a

As someone who rarely appears in public without reading material (including weddings, birthdays, and baseball games) I think the lure of interrupting someone reading is that there is an instant conversation starter: “what are you reading?”

This drove me crazy in anatomy class at Community College. Most of the class were on the nursing track, and a significant portion couldn’t say “penis” without giggling, not to mention a uterus or ovary.

I think sex ed needs to start before kids start having sex, preferably lots before. We don’t wait until they can drive a car before teaching them how one works — kids learn about steering wheels way before 16, plus basic traffic laws, and even maintenance. Vehicles are less pivitol in life than significant portion of

Fifth grade was when sex-ed stuff started at my (Canadian) grade school. It was mostly anatomy and puberty stuff, with a brief introduction to egg-and-sperm stuff. I know in the US they prefer to wait to do sex ed until the shame and misinformation has had time to sink in and/or hell has frozen over.

And assuming that all ten year olds go there looking for birth control options (as opposed to health or puberty questions) and all (6) ten year olds have IUDs forced upon them before their parents can object. IUDs weren’t even controversial when my mother got one, and they are much safer, cheaper and easier now.

I think the outfit is kinda offensive, but not because it’s supposed to be lion. I mean, clearly Cecil the lion would have a radio collar and she does not. But she looks like someone dipped her in glitter and gave her the hood off a winter coat. That much glitter doesn’t look good on anyone.

“Some kid who was having attention problems with specifically the cheerleaders”

Not going to elect a joke, thanks.

I changed GP because of that nonsense. I felt like I couldn’t trust the medical advice of someone who had a big poster about praying in the waiting room.

I’m starting to wonder if she even knows that she’s lying. Her defense is basically “I’m rubber and you’re glue . . . “

Of course they care about women! Why without their loving care and vigilance women would be likely to just wander around getting abortions for fun and lying about being raped. If they were paid the same as men, well, they might choose to keep working rather than getting married and pregnant.

I’m pretty sure you don’t get severence pay when fired for illegal & immoral behavior. Even then it’s generously one week for every year you’ve worked there, plus payout for unused vacation.

When I worked at a grocery store bakery I had a teen come in with her grandmother. Grandmother gravely informs me that teen is seriously allergic to peanuts but wants a special treat. I inform her that our bakery is not allergen free so she’ll need to check out the freezer section for the allergen free, gluten free

Pigs are scary smart animals. People can’t even handle training smart dogs. Just ‘cause it’s little doesn’t mean it isn’t going to tear up the carpet for bedding, tear up the yard rooting, scream when touched unexpectedly, pee in the pool or water dish . . . and that’s just the normal behavior.