
“English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”
—James D. Nicoll

Even the pool of middle-aged, cis, hetro, white, sexist male literary types MUST have a better option than this failure. Someone with some understanding of human anatomy would be a start (I’ve seen the sex scene exerpts).

It doesn’t seem possible that a non-disclosure agreement could require not reporting crimes, or in some of these cases, becoming an accessory to the crime. But I can certainly see how risky it would be if you only had suspicions, not proof, to balance against the end of your career.

Plus, even when it is reported the evidence kits might sit around for ages before being examined. don’t get to apologize it away

Religions are treated like alternative government agencies. They get special treatment under the theory that they are providing an alternate law enforcement, education, social security etc. And some church groups probably are . . . but then some non-religious clubs provide that stuff too without the bonus tax

People, even otherwise moral people, can get bad ideas from religion just like they can get bad ideas from anywhere else. I don’t know if we could say she wouldn’t have decided that reproduction is more important than disease prevention anyway — it isn’t an idea unique to the Catholic church. People, even otherwise

Do you really think that these people wouldn’t find a different excuse to be evil or lazy if religion wasn’t available? There are people everyday who use politics, class or philosophy for the same purpose.

Any situation with a stark power imbalance, I would say. Rape is about power not sex.

Does this mean they don’t report ANY crimes unless required to do so? I would assume that every theft, vandalism charge, parking violation and neighbor dispute would have to be handled as confidentially. ‘Cause there is nothing in that quote that says sexual abuse is the only crime to keep secret.

I agree. Religion is like tarot cards — you see in it what you have in yourself. If you want to find excuses to allow rape, or to hide misdeeds then you’ll find your excuses in any set of words or beliefs you choose. Religion didn’t rape the kid, and religion didn’t give the council of elders a special pass to keep

Google for white house intern pics and you get a lot of earnest suits. Wait, is it the knees? Is it because some of those skirts don’t reach the ground? Many a family man has fallen because he saw a woman’s knees.

I’m trying to imagine a world where the 16 year old working the register is somehow able to change the staffing, kitchen, or the space-time continuum in such a way as to be responsible for the speed of food delivery to customers. Also where she would use that power just to slow down food delivery so to slightly

I think the first story broke my brain. Why would he care how the drink was rung up if he wasn’t paying for it anyway? Why does he think he has the right to determine how he’s charged? How to Starbucks employees manage to not throw hot coffee on people like this?

Our sun is relatively cool and close, Rigel-zoned would be safer.

Step 1: Declare undying love and soul mate status to woman you’ve never met on a social media platform.

What’s further away than friendzoned? Enemyzoned? Horrifyingzoned? GetItOffMeGetItOffMe-zoned? **shudder**

It’s the sign of a narcissist. Everything good in the world is about them, but anything bad in the world is ALSO about them. So those are the words he worries applies to himself, when he isn’t hiding behind his ego. All his insult are the same, because they are all about him, not about his target.

Everything Trump does comes across as skeevy, icky, and creepy. If he donated all his worldly goods to charity and became a buddist monk I’d assume it was because he was about to be caught for tax evasion.

It worked in ‘Bed of Roses’, right? So clearly it should work in real life. Although there is a notable difference between sending someone their favorite blooms, and sending someone really expensive blooms. (My husband gets me gift cards to Heirloom Roses instead of dying blooms).