
I thought the beard was just a warning sign. Celebrity loses mind, celebrity grows astonishing scary facial hair, celebrity loses career.

Why wouldn’t it scale?

Everyone’s accent sounds the same when their teeth are chattering, don’t worry about it.

You’d think someone accused of domestic abuse and sexual harrassment in the work place wouldn’t be in favor of proactive police.

Medicine Hat (in Canada, natch) has ended it’s homelessness issues by housing the homeless. The first job is always to find a permanent residence, prior to handling any other issues contributing to the situation. The policy saves money via fewer emergency room visits and fewer police interventions.

I don’t understand why no one blames the good stuff that happens on early vaccines. “My kid got her 4 month vaccines and started sleeping through the night, it was great. After her 6 month vaccines she started crawling!”

There are so many maladies now that used to be rare and now are much more prevalent—things like allergies, ADD, asthma, migraines, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, colitis, more colds.

I’ll keep that in mind in case I ever have the urge to do so.

I hear you. As someone with depression, I never want to hear another word about that damned German airline pilot.

Maybe he was vaccinated, and it’s all just vaccine injuries. /snark

We need a new name for this. Cultural disorder or Social disorder rather than Mental disorder.

Some non-bipolar people are violent too. Reacting to violence to stop violence makes much more sense than targeting bipolar (or mentally ill) people just because that demographic overlaps. Shrinking the excuse is exactly what is needed, because we need to stop violent people, not just the ones who are also bipolar.

I think his unconfirmed bipolar disorder is not relevant. It’s like saying he was left handed or he’d sprained his ankle a few months earlier.

The anti-intellectualism push goes all the way back to the founding of the US. This idea that an individual has some inborn, “natural”, knowledge that is more true than anything taught in books goes back to rejecting the rich, educated Europeans in favor of the hardworking poor who were sent to colonize.

Because for some people the end justifies ANY means.

I think people attracted to conspiracy theories do so because they need to believe that there is someone in charge, some entity or group organized enough to run things rather than it being mostly luck, personalities and individual responsibility.

Does she have a scholarship to design school yet? I would think she’d be scouted like a top quarterback with that kind of achievement.

You forgot: Please limit yourself to one folding knife or similar weapon, we don’t want no trouble in our place.

Plus some of them are probably not bigotted nutjobs. I really want to believe that the bigotted nutjob willing to risk their job in order to defy the law and make people unhappy is a small minority.

Here’s the great secret to education: You have to know the information, you don’t have to believe it. Whenever someone is trying to convince you that exposure to other arguments is harmful, that’s only because their argument is indefensible.