
Lucky bastard. That was a prime situation for some stressed cat redirected aggression but she just hopped down instead of taking a chunk out of his hand. Very impressive kitty.

That’s not true! There are lots of nifty human inventions that make warmth. Warmth is good. Don’t know what all this fuss about “staying off the keyboard” and “blocking the remote control” is about though.

Probably the same way I check the pantry before closing the door and don’t notice the cat.

That is a pretty zen cat. I think she was more pissed about the wind in her face than being up so far off the ground — I’d assume she closer to the body of the plane from the wing to reduce vibrations, but still I’d expect a frightened cat to find a small space and hide not stick her head out to see the view.

When I was in college my computer science prof pointed out the basic design flaw of the internet: it’s a trough. There was no plan for security at first because it was shared between a couple of university labs and so all users and locations were trusted. That’s part of what makes it work well — low barrier to entry,

PMS is the time of the month when women act the way men act all month.

I wonder how often that backfires, and a fake woman gets the same harrassment a real woman would. I guess so long as they are parroting the same talking points it would be pretty safe.

My father is a big fan of instructing servers about the proper way to serve wine. He saves it for the pricier restaurants, though I think there was a particularly unlucky Olive Garden server at one point. I know he’s not making it up because I’ve seen people do the whole ritual unprompted, but I bet there are a ton of

Taking the flag down would be a good symbol, but it’s not a real change. I think the governor is using the flag issue to distract from gun control and hate crime initiatives and voting rights. You know, the stuff that might actually solve problems.

That slot has to go in sometime in childhood. I’ve been here 20 years and it still makes no sense.

Could someone explain the difference between a hate group and a terrorist group? I mean, they both seem to be trying to terrify and kill people. Is it just that “hate” is local and “terrorist” is international?

I wonder if “Experts” is the name of some hyper caged finch that communicates by pooping on news articles and smashing into windows.

She dragged me outside and said and I quote “You put tits on cookies”. What? Seriously? Um, come again?

It seems unlikely to be keyword triggered, at least from the information above and it’s pretty difficult to imagine an accidental keyword that would cause this behavior. If it’s white list (as in you can only get to the list of pre-approved websites) than someone had to actively decide to include pro-life sites. If

I don’t think you can tame children, that would be just too dangerous.

Do we have to have this argument again? Scottish folds are not in constant pain due to their ears. Maine coons are not in constant pain due to their size. Sphinx are not in constant pain due to their nakedness. There are some genetic problems in purebred cats but acting like the Fox News of the Cat Fancy isn’t helpful.

...past a certain age.

I think there may be some value to the idea that race, or at least perception of race, is fluid. The study described here indicates that 20% of people change their perception of their own race over their life. It’s all stereotype based, apparently, people dropping lower on the socioeconomic ladder or with a prison

One thing I learned living down here is that American history is often limited to wars fought by the US and name-the-US-presidents. If slavery had ended via law and paperwork no one would remember that there was slavery at all.

Did they not do any sort of psychological check on these people before throwing them on the show? Or did they do it and just decide abusive-ass would make for good television.