
Some women have found a new way to afford a higher education; Sugar Daddies/

I'm guessing the parents didn't say anything because it was a stupid, impossibly unlikely plan? Other plans the girls had:

I had assumed the argument was something like "he was unconscious due to alcohol, thus did not participate" but the fact that he sent any text message, correctly spelled or not, pretty much proves he was conscious.

Pretty sure it's not legal to require employees to 'help out' unpaid, ever.

Hosting a 200 person party is insane whether it's drunken 18 year olds or drunken wedding guests. I'm not sure the disaster would have been any different with a different age group, though I guess it would be less illegal. **shrug**

We need the XKCD audio playback virus for Facebook.

Usually it's the koi that make the news with big vet bills — if the fish is older than any other member of your family then you shell out the bucks. Go team goldfish!

To be fair, it's not an absolute. Naming of dogs is a hugely popular endeavor, sometimes trainers or board members will demand the right as part of their compensation (not even kidding). Sometimes the dogs named with specific themes or letters to distinguish their class from others. Usually there's some veto power to

The dog did move. There is no way for the dog to get from the position in the first picture to the position in the last picture without standing up. The second picture posted shows the dog swinging her head around in what most likely is a warning signal. Had it been video I would have whale-eye, possibly teeth showing

Now, remember that it's also a labrador, a breed originating in Canada. Jill is a dark colored foreigner taking important service dog jobs away from hardworking American dog breeds. If it wasn't for permissive importation policies maybe American breeds like the Red Bone Coonhound or Boston terrier would be able to be

Grand Premier Cats Landing Ripley Lovelace swats at your unacceptable three name limit.

Service dogs are often named after (or by) top donors. Crazy popular fundraising opportunity, actually. It can be a problem when the call name gets excessive, but usually there is a reasonable short form.

I'm pretty sure one could spend all day clubbing baby seals and still think recklessly damaging expensive ($20,000 to $45,000) medical equipment is stupid. Or consider ignoring your special needs child until he does something dangerous is stupid. Or letting your special needs child continue to do something dangerous

The dog is visibly unfazed by it

You wouldn't happen to be in central Ohio would you? My mother is semi-retired from dog training but another service dog would lure her back in. **grin**

Even without the Palin association, there is something squidgy going on with Puppy Jake.

I'm beginning to think animal abuse is a Republican Family Value (tm).

Saw a parent lifting his toddler up onto their great pyrenees' back, and scolding the dog for trying to move away. I asked him if he knew the cost of back surgery for a dog that size. Suddenly puppy wasn't a pony anymore.

There's no good reason pulling up the data should be that difficult. There should be a phone app or a text service. I guess since the registries only get their money from the initial purchase there is no financial incentive for better follow up service.

My favorite excuse is the 'wandering chip' — somebody heard that somebody's dog got really sick because the chip moved around inside until it lodged somewhere bad. People have weird aversions to lots of things that are good for their pets — no one likes watching the thermometer go up the butt either.