
Even with a lot of news coverage that's maybe 20 seconds looking at the photograph of a relatively common breed, three months earlier. There's no note of Thor having any particularly notable features (three legs or a nicked ear) so no reason to connect this dog to the news story.

Personally, I'd like to see scanning for microchips become a routine part of every vet visit. Informing the client that their information is unregistered or out of date would help get that information improved (hey, why don't you update with this simple form while you wait for the doc?).

Vets learn early that if you refuse a euthanasia the next thing is that the animal is abandoned (tied to the door when the office closes, or just left in the parking lot) or killed in a less humane way. Many vets will not charge for euthanasia because they don't want to risk someone deciding drowning is cheaper.

Multiple female friends who would rather barter a blow job for a car trip ... to a complete stranger whose only request is that they don't have a Y chromosome? You need new friends.

Yes. Horses, however, do not.

I don't think there was an end game. Painted dogs are probably not the only scam running in a traveling circus — the bearded lady is probably a guy and the alien in the jar is a cow fetus.

Nightvale Spiderwolves for the win!

Dyeing wouldn't be bad, so long as it's a pet safe dye. Bleaching would be really bad though, and would be much more likely to cause the eye damage than camera flashes. There are white chows but they aren't as common as the sandy color range.

Personally, I need to work it out ahead of time. Some sort of script in my head and I'm good but winging it is . . . not good.

Is this really a new trend? That grumpy barn owl that ruined the hogwarts style wedding was in 2013. People have been releasing doves or butterflies or hiring swans for weddings since forever.

If fiancee prefers psychopathic twin then he deserves what he gets. Psychopathic twin certainly deserves loyalty-free ex-fiancee. I'd get them both tickets to the other side of the world as engagement gifts.

They probably don't want to draw any attention to her.

This won't be a popular opinion but: I wonder if she was raped, or otherwise sexually assaulted. She's gone so far into convincing herself that it didn't happen, and if it did it was her own fault, that she's confirmation-biased herself into believing the crime itself doesn't exist.

The specifics aren't as important because even at the mildest definition, "just walk away" is bad advice. But I need help articulating why.

What they need is a pack of terriers. Cats take out nests of pink rat babies but for adult rats you need the focused insanity of a Jack Russell or Cairn. Although, for a fashion magazine they'd probably want a more stylish breed like a wirehaired fox or Bedlington.

For Patton, the fact that rape victims in college know their attackers is enough to prove that we're not talking about real rape here.

Getting a little alone time from the cats is why I invested in bird feeders.

I had that discussion with my SO way back when we first moved in together. All the mammals in the house are mine on breakup, all the non-mammals are his. At the time that was three fish tanks and a pair of fire bellied toads.

Definitely let the vet know about his reaction. There are different drugs that can be used and some dogs adapt better to faster or slower recovery times. Sometimes leaving a dog 'stoned' for a longer period keeps the anxiety at bay, or gives a better overlap with followup pain meds. Anxiety can also be a side effect