
Sadly, that's normal behavior for my dog (though he seems to prefer arborvitae to table cloths). My female sighthound turns into a 65 pound ragdoll during anesthesia recovery though — not moving, not thinking about moving, not ever moving again . . .

As someone who compulsively bakes and gives away cookies from the first snow through New Year (I believe it's a genetic quirk) I've never seen anyone disappointed at receiving cookies. Except oatmeal-raisin, those are only tolerable if stuffed with enough other ingredients that the raisins aren't noticeable. Dark

A bible with a nice cover is excellent to hollow out and hide things in. Flasks are traditional, of course, but a large, ostentatious bible makes an excellent box for sex toys or jewelry. You don't have to regift, people, you can reuse!

As a greyhound owner, I can guarantee that some big butts move VERY fast. Took four years of plush living for my ex-racer to lose his track-butt. Not too many greyhounds working in service industries, I imagine.

I think anytime you tell teenagers that something is "adult-only" or "shameful" it assures their interest. We should make vacuuming adult-only and shameful, information about Dyson tucked away on specially marked websites and discussed in hushed, giggling tones.

I always wonder if they went through the program line-by-line with these people whether they would still object? Is it that you do not want your kid to know that "Do you want to come back to my place" is not sufficient consent for sex? Is it that you don't want your kids to know that sex can lead to pregnancy and/or

I've always liked 'pussy', but mostly because I'm an occasional linguist-geek and 'pussy' comes from 'Pasht' — Ancient Egyptian goddess of sex, music, and alcohol (portrayed as a cat, of course). She also gives us the word 'passion'.

My SO composes one phrase ahead of time and then just repeats it. Nothing is sexy on the fifth repeat, so I'm learning to tune it out.

American Exceptionalism doctrine is scary. It's so endemic that until it gets to Fox news levels of crazy it doesn't even stand out — this mass delusion is just background noise.

  • If she needs six more corgis, how many does she already have/how many bridesmaids does she have?

Not to mention even regular sized corgi are not small dogs. 25 pounds for a Pembroke, 35 for a Cardigan on average. That's 4 or 5 gallons of milk — wiggly, shedding and face-licking.

I was with you right up to the "All cops are!". That's a pretty large and diverse group to claim is represented by the asshats in St. Louis. It's impossible to fix the problems if don't acknowledge that there exist better ways of doing things — and what makes them different than the disaster going on here.

It's not two problems though. It's the same problem. The definitions of masculinity and femininity are currently interrelated you can't change one without the other careening into a new location. If we don't consciously, deliberately change them together we're never going to get where we want to go.

There's a less edited version of the chat linked further in the comments. I agree that "It can be" is pretty weak, but the full version is persistent and creepy.

I did phone surveys one summer between college semesters. All my coworkers were grumpy, elderly women (mostly widows) who were perennially pissed about the grand kids not visiting or the availability of handicap restrooms.

... due to a medical condition...

...and must surely look deeply traumatized, no one notices her.

I watched my brother and sister-in-law talk themselves into ordering this. I pointed out that my husband's family has a farm and could provide bull, cow, donkey or goat feces for free. They still ordered it. **shrug**

I'm wondering about this dude she met online that sponsored this vacation. At least, I'm assuming he paid since six kids doesn't leave much spare cash. Did he know she was pregnant with her seventh? Six weeks is a long time with a person you don't really know, and a long time to hide a pre-existing pregnancy.

Hybrid death-creature is the least appealing bit about this movie. Part of the joy of the first one was that the dinosaurs were nearly accurate representations (as understood at the time). Feeling the wonder of 'bringing them back' needs the underpinning of real research. Otherwise it's just a Godzilla movie.