
Most vet techs don't spend a lot of time learning the intricacies of pet breeds — there's enough anatomy, physiology, psychology and chemistry to memorize. It's only crazy persons (like myself) who did through all the lit and talk to breeders — and I only do it for cats and dogs.

Persian types were bred to be very chill — the one's who are hyper won't sit still long enough for the grooming that coat requires for the show ring. :) Cats who can't manage the show ring aren't bred — not many breeds where you can have a whole male upside down getting his underparts untangled in a busy show hall

And all those people carrying babies around like they are some sort of new purse! How terrible.

Maybe I've just been lucky with all 9 cats (and two litters of stray kittens) that I've shared my life with, but I've never had one that had a real problem with a harness and leash. Maybe not thrilled about the 'big room with no ceiling' but not having a big fit of any kind.

Which is why fold to fold breeding is not permitted. Fold to unfolded ear breeding DOES NOT cause pain problems. Please to get facts straight before defaming a breed and it's fanciers.

Careful putting two stressed cats in the same carrier. Cats will take their stress out on the nearest warm body and a cat fight where neither can get away isn't a nice thing.

My show cat Ripley was fine when the car was moving, but when we slowed down or stopped for a red light she figured we had arrived and it was time to disembark already. :) We never did the massive, nationwide trekking that some fanciers do though. Maybe then she'd sleep all the way up to the hotel room.

Just takes practice and socialization. Practice closing them in the carriers and immediately letting them out. If closing the door isn't associated with scary car trips, closing the door won't be so scary.

Congenital osteodystrophy happens in fold to fold breeding, which is that is not done by any responsible breeder and is not permitted by the registry. Olivia's tight button ears suggest her breeder was not an idiot so it's unlikely pain is the issue.


Thanks for pointing that out, I'd never thought about it before. They don't exactly talk about 'murder kits' or 'theft kits', so why would rape be different?

Would not be the weirdest call I ever fielded while working at the local grocery.

S'okay. I think quite a few folks would start blacking out in the middle of that article. If the seizures and memory loss last more that four hours, see a doctor.

Also, doing it wrong.

I think the only valid "sex tip" that exists is "actually talk to your partner, like, with WORDS". Rocket science, I know.

I wanted the feathery cape that Bowie wore. Can't find a pic offhand, dammit. I had schemes on how to construct the thing for years before I realized there is no place to wear a feathered cape. :(

Oh, yes. I went through a few years of buying polka dot dresses because of that movie.

Why is there not more clothing in the world that looks like it's made out of feathers? This is a serious problem.

I watched a show on Panda conservation and now I'm only interested in sex once a year for a few hours.

I prefer reading M/M erotica to M/F or F/F. I think it's just that I enjoy descriptions of aroused male bodies, and there are more to read about. **shrug** Overall it's the quality of the writing, not the orientations involved that are interesting. A good love story (or sex scene) is good regardless of the flavors of