
Partying and fucking are not the same thing as rape. Likewise partying and fucking are not the same as car theft, tax evasion, assault or vandalism.

Was the local chapter recognized by the national organization?

I was wondering about that, if the spotlight of celebrity would protect her or protect her abuser more. Personally, I think if he's remembered only as "that NFL player who beat up his wife and got fired" she'll be safer than if he has a chance to become a gridiron hero again.

I figured it was only the people who had to step off the plane and immediately go into a business meeting who were wearing the fancy stuff.

My father, who was previously a crazed business traveler bouncing all over the globe, told me that the best way to get an upgrade was to be really nice to the folks at the desk when you have a perfect right to throw a hissy-fit. Chances are the desk-jockey is not the one in charge of overbooking flights, fee schedules

There must be an app for that.

I'm jealous too. The only time I managed to sleep on the plane was when I was drugged into unconsciousness with migraine medications. Getting to the right gate for my transfer was rather difficult, but otherwise it was a lovely trip.

I'm a Canadian living in America, but I prefer the stereotypical Australian method of wearing casual comfortable clothes at all times (even business meetings and fancy dinners) because life is too short for nylons and ties when you live somewhere where all the wildlife is trying to kill you.

When I was suicidal I tended to dress up more. Being comfortable and happy in your life leads to choosing comfortable and happy clothing. Depression led to a lot of trying to prove everything was all right by trying to look like everything was all right.

Perhaps if we sit them all down with copies of Masque of the Red Death . . .

My fear is that the rich kids who die of whooping cough won't trigger vaccination for polio and we'll need a complete set of plagues before the causality is understood.

Actually, I wonder if that might be true for some medical procedures. If someone is un-vaccinated and needing an organ transplant (which will require immuno-compression drugs) are they lower on the list than someone who has a full complement of immune responses prior to the surgery?

Couldn't we just kick off one of those popular 'wear a ribbon' campaigns? Look, Natalie Portman is wearing a chartreuse ribbon for vaccination of over-privileged children.

It never occurs to them that studying science for 12 years will give you different strengths than, say, your MFA in poetry does. Both people may be smart, but I'm only letting the first one make my medical decisions for me.

Ugh, I can't imagine. I have enough trouble keeping my temper when telling people to please back up the cigarette smoke is triggering a migraine. At least that stupid behavior is not specifically life threatening. My condolences.

I've never heard anyone who researches vaccines refer to themselves as a "vaccine researcher". Biologists, zoologists, epidemiologists, biochemists . . .

At least the religious exemption requires a history of belief (generally). It's the personal belief exemption that is basically "I don't wanna".

It might be more that no one talks about it. In the US, at least, illness and disability are often seen as the fault of the patient — the patient made bad choices, or didn't think positively or was lazy. People who are chronically ill, or have disabilities that can be hidden generally don't talk about it.

My husband and I called in noise complaints on apartment neighbors multiple times, started to feel like bad people for harassing the police so often. I felt vindicated when the cops showed up to find the door wide open, unattended dirty children wandering around between the empty alcohol bottles and the drug

I laughed so hard at the perfectly groomed Samoyed that smelled like a lilac bush choosing to rid itself of the lilac with a convenient mud covered dead fish. Dog-mom couldn't manage to get off the path at the dog park to restrain her dog because her 3 inch heels sunk into the turf.