The usual warning: don't induce vomiting if what the dog swallowed may cause more damage on the way back out (ie. cleaning supplies, pointy objects).
The usual warning: don't induce vomiting if what the dog swallowed may cause more damage on the way back out (ie. cleaning supplies, pointy objects).
Fired, she's a sexual harassment lawsuit no longer waiting. Generally holding off lawsuits is a good idea.
I have trouble imagining that even other male co-workers were okay with the manager (friend-of-the-owner) decreeing such a name. They may not have been brave enough to object.
I've read that bengals have a lot of wild instincts, even in later generations. The non-Asian Leopard Cat side of the bengal could be enough to retain that memory of snow — although I'd bet it's something that is common in all sorts of cat varieties.
My maine coon cats occasionally try to "clear the snow away" and "check for ice" around both their dishes and mine. They haven't been in contact with snow for generations, but still feel the need to swipe the air above the dishes and then stick a paw in to check.
Can't have body diversity, because the models are supposed to blend together so that you only see the clothes. Clothing models are animated hangers.
That's what makes it "fair and balanced"
When I first started dating my husband, he had hair long enough to fit in a pony tail. Along with his relatively short stature and a concealing winter coat . . . he got occasional cat calls.
"if you're with a woman ..."
I'm probably not the one to ask, as I'm not particularly afraid of snakes, but I think biting doesn't really figure into it. Anything with a mouth can bite, and a bite by a non-venomous snake is significantly less damaging than a bite from a similarly sized mammal.
There may or may not have been a pregnancy. If there was a pregnancy, it may or may not have been viable. If there was a pregnancy, and it was viable, the mother may or may not have known about it. If there was a pregnancy, and it was viable, and the mother knew about it she may or may not have taken steps to…
Apparently they don't even offer it to police officers.
Call it the Dr. Oz law.
"a burden on their families and the state" — like people who allow their children to become sick with preventable diseases, that then require assistance with medical costs and supportive care?
I wonder if I could rent my furry felines out in cat-blessing-for-your-home services? I'd be happy to walk my cat over your threshold as many times as you like for a low, low bargain price. Any lucky hairballs produced are yours to keep!
If the staring is accompanied by occasional lunges into the wall, it means that you have mice. Otherwise, it means that your cat is using her wide variety of other senses other than vision.
Yeah, I always imagined myself finding a guy at least my (6'1") height because I didn't want to be having arguments about comfortable furniture and where to store things. Also dancing with someone who is higher than my cleavage is nice.
Not many people would choose to escalate a non-physical altercation into a physical one with an opponent who could cause damage. That's not a rational act.
I mentioned this in another reply - it's not just the deaths, but how they die and what that signifies, too.
I thought Hello Kitty was the latest incarnation of the Mainke Neko (greeting cat) as also represented by behavior of the Japanese Bobtail cat and the story of the rich man and the temple cat. Instead she's just a cartoon character from the 1970s. Sigh.