
"At what point did you realize she was drunk?" "What was her response when you asked her for sex?" "How much did you have to drink prior to meeting her?" "How much did you have to drink after meeting her?" — it seems like drunkenness should cut both ways.

Somehow "2/3 of reported rapes happen when the victim is sober" didn't make the poster list?

50 Shades was described to me as a horror novel about the slow, persistent victimization of a clueless, young girl by an abusive, powerful man.

So maybe we don't need new laws, we need enforcement of existing ones. Anyone have nail polish that will check the alcohol content of a drink?

That was not a very safe cat catch at the end of the video. Head and all four paws free to attack the unlucky captor? He was lucky the cat was tired and just wanted out of there.

I think there are two different things going on with this argument. It's true that teens (and adults) need more sleep — and reducing the work load is the only way to free more time for sleep. Moving the start time of school around isn't going to change the over-scheduling issues.

So if I go to a bar and personally order (and pay for) a drink, the bartender might spike it just because someone else at the bar has that standing arrangement? Isn't that illegal? I'm not a lawyer but that seems like a pretty basic contract law failure.

I don't think anyone here is saying anyone deserves rape. It would be good to give people a better way to monitor how drunk they are, or what substances are going into their system — even if the only thing we're trying to avoid is hangovers.

This is a good point. Possibly the only way to avoid that would be not to drink anything you did not personally receive from the bartender, which isn't always a reasonable requirement in a crowded environment.

A woman has a better chance to turn down alcohol she knows she's consuming than drugs she doesn't know are there. It's not a perfect fix, but it's better than nothing.

I think the economics would matter more than any internet deniers. If a girl discovers a drug in her drink she's never going to that bar again, and she's going to tell everyone she knows what happened. The crime is much more apparent if discovered at the bar, rather than traced back later. If there are no girls at the

Asked the husband, he says it just looks like a lazy slouch to him. Sigh. He says the only reason women sit with their legs together is skirts. Makes me feel sad.

Maybe complaining that the crazy people who have locked themselves in their home are stereotyping LGBT+ people is missing the point a bit. Just a thought.

Staying in the city won't necessarily save you. Ohio State University's Equine Vet is downtown and the stables are indoors. I have no idea why the enormous draft horse got excited by the camera down his throat, but I developed a whole new appreciation of the phrase "hung like a horse".

I worry that they are just going to move the whales out of the country — Blackfish indicated they were already trying that. But stopping breeding would be a big move in the right direction.

We had a string of break ins in our neighborhood and the cop wrote a report for the bent screen where someone tried to get in (and failed). Even checked for fingerprints.

What an awful requirement. That's almost like one needs to participate in the disgusting act just to be able to prove it happened.

I'm working on a groundbreaking cure for the terrible scourge of Affluenza. Here's my idea: take the money away. Like, all of it. If you can't handle the responsibility of owning a car, they take away your license. Clearly these people cannot handle being wealthy without devolving into criminals so they shouldn't get

Yes, the gene that causes short legs is double lethal (ie, can't breed a munchkin to another munchkin) and comes with some issues with flexibility and development IIRC. Fanciers insist they are healthier than many other breeds which is certainly possible since the breed demands a lot of outcrossing assuring a large

One of my kitties was the exact opposite when introduced to the household — she did all the hissing. She was maybe eight months old, but had been incredibly ill for most of that time and in isolation so she couldn't get anyone sick. Thus she had some . . . social issues. Bluesette's idea of playing was to sneak up on