
I'm with you. I have a litter of ex-feral kittens to find homes for because we really can't keep any more permanent additions but we also couldn't leave them outside to live short, hungry lives . . . my husband's self-control is worse than mine so we need to take turns being the grownup.

Basically the happiness and sadness of our friends' posts affect our own happiness and sadness.

FAFSA: If you aren't poor yet, you will be by graduation.

I was waiting for the 'text your non-partying friends your current location, taxi number and when you expect to be home' and 'clench your keys in your fist like brass knuckles'. The brilliance is that while the tips are clearly farcical, they are also mostly things that have been seriously put forward by 'experts' in

Just to be clear, this means that ONLY in the case that there is already an outbreak at the school that the school can refuse to let the highest risk students in? Isn't that kind of closing the door after the horses are dead?

I'm not really clear on why we want to cover up the bits of each other that we think look nice. This seems like an extremely counterproductive social practice.

I'm not ignoring that male bodies are culturally required to be covered, I just think the asymmetry is interesting. Portions of the body that are covered on both men and women have waste removal functions as well; the female breast is the only body part on either sex covered for sexual reasons alone.

Male and female feet have been viewed differently in Eastern (and Western) society forever; female feet being sexualized. There is no question of either feet or ankles being legally required to be covered.

Male abdomens are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male forearms are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male jawlines are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male hands are sexualized, but there is no cultural

It sounds to me like they have the wrong sort of cats. Fill the cafe up with Devon Rex and Siamese, turn the temperature down a few degrees and the cats will mob people at the door. Either that or ongoing kitten fostering — kittens have no sense of personal space.

There must be a competing college in the area, right? Time for a new advertising campaign: We take safety seriously, come to our university. Transfers from JMU encouraged, take your friends with you.

How does he still have his license? I thought there were rules for doctors about knowingly lying to people.

I would have figured the five minutes was the abuse question. "Is someone in your life hurting you?" There should be a law allowing for that, if there isn't one now.

I'm really sick of the pro-SUV crowd. There is a difference between being hit by an SUV and being hit by a smart car. There just is.

Except automatic weapons don't lead the blind, assist folks in wheel chairs or jump in front of bullets to save family members. Oh, and last time I checked automatic weapons don't find lost children in order to keep them safe or wake the family when the smoke alarms fail and the house is burning down.

Yes, "pit bull" includes any short stature, wide face breed including (but not limited to) American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Boxer, Presa Canario, Cane Corso, Doge Argentina, Tosa Inu, Bullmastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, American Bulldog, Blue Blood Bulldog, and English bulldog. I have also

When I'm panicked I always invoke the name of the third or fifth richest area of the city I'm in. Always gets results. Same threat level as "my dad is a legal assistant" and "my roommate interned in a police station".

I haven't worked as a dispatcher, but I spent a summer doing phone surveys of the physically and mentally handicapped, and I've spent a painful amount of time in customer service (enough that I started looking up psychology tricks to help). I learned a good bit of how to get upset and distracted people to give me the

Upper Arlington isn't the richest area of town, it probably somewhere after Dublin, Bexely, Polaris and Westerville. "I'm a 20 year old from the suburbs" doesn't seem particularly awful to me — it sounded more like a "I'm inexperienced and I need some help".

I can't believe that is part of the protocol, the goal is to keep the caller talking and engaged. "I'm sorry, but we can't do that. Is there someone else in the house you can ask? Can you think of the street name or any landmarks? Is there a safe neighbor you can go to? Is there mail that you might be able to check