
Those are both pretty low hurdles to clear.

I hope they just have cheap looking hands from cannibalized Cabbage Patch kids dolls.  That would be most accurate.

Now playing

They should have Uncle Jack play Trump. Or at least let him play “stunt hands”.

(A bit later, the site also reported that Brendan Gleeson has been cast to play Donald Trump. OK, sure.)

They’ll also have to CGI his hands smaller. 

Gleeson may have to pack on a few pounds just for authenticity.

His publicist?

“Brendan Gleeson has been cast to play Donald Trump. OK, sure.”

Sorry, Katherine, but I for one am looking forward to another sequel to Dumb & Dumber.

This has the potential to change network television forever. Imagine a mini-series that closely approximates what’s happening in real life and makes obvious the lessons we should be taking from these events. Think Full House, but instead of a San Fran Fam it will be Twitter Trending Topics. This might just be what

Another person who re-uploaded the video argued on Twitter that the Trump campaign’s use of the Nickelback video is parody and therefore fair use

This almost got me to make a twitter account, just to respond to that tweet with a picture of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and the caption “Look at this photograph”

Nickelback v. Trump is the feud this country deserves. 


If you had told me this morning that this would be a headline, that both the president and his chinless son had unironically referenced Nickelback to bolster their current pet conspiracy theory, I wouldn’t have believed you. We are in the timeline God abandoned.

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

A lot going on with this headline