
oh, don’t get me wrong I entirely agree with all of that...I guess if I had a point it was that where Barr is flat out in the business of enabling malfeasance Mueller does actually seem to take the whole notion of the law seriously & possesses some discernible principles & even a track record thereof...

This is remarkably kind to Mueller and the gop. The gop has worked for 5 decades on behalf of the rich to remove any and all impediments to oligarchy. They have done that by marshalling racism on behalf of the rich. The middle and upper middle class whites who reliably vote for the GOP are rotten to the core.

“But Mueller absolutely could have pursued things harder.”

Sure, trump commits 10 crimes a day. If his report wasn’t at least somewhat damning than it would be too obvious that he wasn’t overly interested in nailing his ass to the wall. I want the Democrats to get their own Ken Starr and fucking ruin lives and wreck careers. That is what is required.

Because that is literally true. Barr was up to his eyeballs in Iran/Contra and helped poppa bush pardon his way out of it. 

Seriously it’s like he knew Barr is a water carrier for autocracy and was pretty cool with that.

Oh yeah, Barr is Trump's Roy Cohn. I'm sure Barr shut all this down. Mueller is not Barr lvl hack but he soft pitched the shit out of his mandate. 

Yeah. Mueller kind of whitewashed the NFL situation as best he could for them too.

Just like his golf game... 

Starting the Impeachment investigation gave them more power to request access to these types of documents.

Glaciers are currently moving faster than the courts...and Trump’s shitty golf cart.

Oh shit! Someone is breaking out the dreaded ad hominem defense! Well by all means I’m convinced.

To be fair, Congressional Republicans and their WH allies were the ones that constrained the scope of the Mueller probe and it was the WH witnesses that either provided incomplete or outright false information. Read Schiff’s questioning of Mueller at the end of Mueller’s Congressional testimony. It’s pretty damning.

He’s gonna need that ‘perfect’ lie to get out of this one, hopefully.

Came to say the same, take your star.


Tremendous lies. The most beautiful lies you’ve ever heard! The lies are so great you could even say they’re the truth. Some people are saying it!

But we can’t call them “lies” and we have to default to “falsehoods” or “mistruths” because decorum or something.

I would be much more surprised to learn he told the truth!  Only the best lies though, might even call it perfect lies.

Trump breathes more than he lies but he lies more than he wolfs down diet cokes or hamburgers.