not it

this is like the 5th time he’s used a version of this apology. 

Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster.

I know Roger Goodell get rightfully derided on a regular basis for being a dead-eyed goon, and it’s pretty easy to reach back into the old Gary Bettman pool whenever the itch arises, but man, I wish Manfred got more scrutiny from the media than he does.

Can we talk about the Wilpons and Madoff? Because, man, describing them as having been “hornswoggled” is a very generous interpretation of the facts. Don’t mean to give you shit, Roth, because it wouldn’t have made sense to relitigate that issue in the middle of an article that ultimately isn’t about Madoff. But it

I think this deal gets overblown. Sure it’s funny, but it honestly makes some sense: the Mets could have made more by investing the backloaded money each year. Lots of players have this type of contract language: I think Manny Ramirez is getting more than $1 million a year from Boston until 2025.

If the Wilpons weren’t forced to sell after madoff, they’ll never be forced to sell.

I know this isn’t the point of the article but I’m so sick of the harping on the Familia deal. They got what the market dictated: shit. The Mets had zero confidence in Familia. Could he blow you away? Yeah, sure. But there was an even greater chance he was going to spot the opposition two baserunners before he got the

Considering he approved the Marlins’ buyer, I don’t think Manfred gives a shit.

Pictured, said Cubs fan:

What’s going on in America right now doesn’t resemble Nazi Germany in the slightest...aside from a leadership which loves dictatorial strongmen, has no regard for international treaties, an economy quickly turning to crap (trade wars don’t develop markets do they!) is belicose to a ridiculous level, socially

In terms of rec sports where the whole point is to have fun, and often get as drunk as possible, take a chill pill weekend warrior.

Co-ed leagues are for finding a weekday reason to get shitfaced, not sports. 

I am over 6 feet tall, a former soldier, power lifter, former Div 1 women’s soccer player and current rugby player/coach. I played one season in a co-ed soccer league, and after the third time my team captain made me play out of position, or moved me to the other side to match a woman, “so that the guys wouldn’t have

So only men can fulfill your needs.  Got it

whats it like to be a never was loser who tries to relive his jv high school athletic glory in a co-ed softball league?

Why does this casually mean-spirited comment have so many stars?

Question: who gives a shit?

I play co-ed flag football, which requires a play involving a female player, at minimum, once every three plays. It usually works out fine, but I’ve seen plenty of instances where men on another team are just dismissive as fuck of their players (which are usually girlfriends!). I’ve heard things like, “Guys, take more

I am a man and I quit playing co-rec softball after witnessing an entire season of my muscle-bound meathead teammate scanning the field for the weakest female player before every at-bat, then hitting the ball so hard at her he grunted. Some of the women got some nasty bruises and I found myself apologizing to them in

Having played coed softball for quite a few years, it was all too common for men on other teams to take plays away from the women on their team. Our team captain had a rule however, that if you make a play on a ball that is not yours (like running over from left field to catch a ball that was going to the woman in