not it

The Amazon of free agencies.

If this were anywhere but the NFL you’d be right.

The first comment in the SBNation article:

The only one of these movies I saw was The Favourite. The only movie I saw in a theater last year was in fact The Favourite? It might have been the only movie I saw at all, I don’t remember now.  

You’ve also hit the reason why fans aren’t as worked up as they should be about this: there are too many bad contracts out there currently.

This article made me realize someone: no one plays football for any other reason than chasing a dream.

More specifically: These insane trade narratives give me a reason to care about the NBA despite the fact that this year’s champion is preordained.

You are me 3 years ago when I decided I needed to learn how to run.

The only good thing about the NFL is that the boredom vacuum created after the Super Bowl sucks my friends into caring about the NBA with me for a while. 

Realtalk would Kyrie and KD get along at all? Especially in the dysfunction that is the Knicks? I’m actually rooting for it because it would be such a phenomenal shitshow.

“Corner the market” is the right term here.

YOUR wife’s a Prius.

Super Bowl parties are fun. New Year’s Eve was forever ago and we haven’t had an excuse to eat and drink way too much with our friends/loved ones in like a month.

He could have signed for a veterans minimum? Did the same thing as Boogie? Still make gobs on endorsements? 

They would only do this as a 100% fuck you to both Kyrie and Davis. Which is to say: I’m all for it.

I didn’t realize these sealed off noise - I’ve been using Anker’s Soundbuds Slim to try and get some peace while riding the train but have been one of those people clamoring for airpods that have noise isolation. You might have just made my mind up for me.

I didn’t realize these sealed off noise - I’ve been using Anker’s Soundbuds Slim to try and get some peace while

Football will always have blown calls. It will also have inexplicable defensive snafus and offenses that suddenly get hot and an endless parade of injuries that greatly alter a team’s makeup from minute to minute.

... and you are just waiting for that collapse to happen at this point.
