
Yeah, because nobody would need to design, prototype, write software for, manage, sell, ship, install, maintain, or litigate for these replacements.
And surely nobody would appreciate the lowered barriers to entry to or democratization in the market applications.
And who gives a shit about any tertiary businesses

Hah, as if liberal trolls haven't been already been doing this for years?! I guess your Big State University-installed filter is doing a good job of preventing you from realizing your own one-sided ad hominem shut-downs when they flood sites.

Yeah, how dare those guys have their own personal view!
Good to see the hit squads are effectively ruining the careers and lives of people for unrelated private activity.
March on Brown Shirts!

Ahh yes, silencing dissent is the best, isn't it?
You sound like the kind of people who enjoy a good ol' fashioned book burning.

You must hear that from your parent a lot.

He must have hired the same lawyer as disgraced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

QED - liberal racists.

She does raise an excellent point.
Calling a black conservative is tantamount to labeling a white liberal a race-traitor.
It's ok, you probably went to a big, low-standards university where identity politics was rammed down your throat until you finally loved Big Brother.

It's cute you mustered the brain cells to offer your 'two' of this one-two punch.

That's right, anyone who steps out of line is an Uncle Tom.
Stay on Uncle Sam's Plantation - conformity is utopia!

Hah, it's cute you think up-town Chicago qualifies you as a southerner.

While I'm sure you are 100% ignorant of anything being discussed here, I don't doubt that you're a good mind-numbed drone willing to throw in 'your' opinion because things you've never seen or understood are allegedly '… bad because the politics are wrong'.
Are you high or do you just not realize how incredibly stupid

You sound like the kind of guy who gets his opinions (I won't say 'information' because, lets' face it, you're ignorant) from comedic satire shows, like Comedy Central's The Daily Show.

Unlike yourself?
My sides hurt from reading your post; thank you, ignorant hypocrite.

Bill Maher is really good at avoiding substantial debates by using ad hominem shut-downs. Doing his job to silence dissent.

Wow, you're really good at judging people based on zero facts… almost as good as shutting out dissenting opinions when they appear, comrade commisar.

A Donald Sterling thing? Ann Coulter would never donate several thousands of dollars to Democrats, unlike Sterling, who has.

Good thing our government has been arming and training Islamic extremists abroad like ISIS, et al.


I love it when people who spew evil, hateful, mean-spirited things call other people evil, hateful, and mean-spirited without once contemplating their cognitive dissonance.
It's ok, you're conditioned to react negatively to dissent.