Based on all zero of her books you've read.
Based on all zero of her books you've read.
Or the 'Where Is It Now?' expo on Michelle Obama's penis and scrotum?
Fun fact: 60% of US troop casualties in Afghanistan were during the Obama administration.
Yeah, Michael Moore is a morbidly obese hypocrite.
Based on all zero times you've ever actually watched Fox News?
Or though an original thought for yourself?
You can't spell pseudo-intellectual without NPR.
I'm not sure which personal characteristic you're trying to headline here: your incredible ignorance of viewership demographics; your deep-rooted, insecurity-driven hipster try-hard-ism; or your general ignorance of people or views from outside your shallow little bubble.
That's ok, you'll still get a participation…
Yeah, how'd THAT film make its way into your upper-middle class la-la land bubble?
Myyaattttt Nnndaymyannnn!
You're right - he's trying to reach a liberal audience.
Yeah, Pigford, Fast-and-Furious, Benghazi, using the IRS as a political harassment tool are so pedestrian compared to perjury.
Hey, what ever helps you sleep at night.
I'm sure many concentration camp guards reminded themselves: I only guarded the gates - I didn't operate the showers!
You must have read approximately zero facts about this. They also relayed reports of continuously deteriorating conditions in the area. They requested backups in several cables. Not to mention the UK pulling their guys out of their because of the problems.
I know history starts six months ago for you, so let me remind…
His own platoon mates (backed up by eye witness accounts from local villagers) acknowledge that he's a deserter.
I'm so glad we let go those five ranking terrorists. Go ISIS!
Inaccurate? Measuring 10' using your shoes is inaccurate.
Creating and pushing a narrative blaming the deaths of American citizens killed in a terrorist attack on that of a phanton Youtube video is called a LIE.
To recall the ol' mindless rhyme (adapted for modern use): People died then Obama lied.
Dahhuurrrrr! You so funnnnyyy!!!11 You must have a super high IQ, like 99 or something!