
1) That JFK quote was bullshit

This story is confusing because it leaves out the fact (from the WHHA page) that the Oval Office was based on the oval Blue Room in the White House, which was in turn inspired by an oval room George Washington commissioned in his house in Philly, which was the first capital. When you leave this info out, the rest of

as of this very moment, i think president circus peanut intends to fuck at least 64,469,963 of us from the oval office.

Gosh all those economically marginalized voters have a funny way of expressing those feelings

Fuck Idaho. I say that as someone who grew up there.

I agree with you. The author of this article literally did exactly what I described.

Only in America would the person who got more than 2 million less votes be considered the “winner”. Fuck this undemocratic country.

Ikr? If Trump had lost but won the popular vote by more than 2 million votes, you better believe that republicans would be demanding concessions, like appointing some republicans to the cabinet etc.... Democrats just won’t fight hard enough.

Actually, the recount was underway, but what Gore was fighting was the Republicans’ attempts to shut down what was an automatic process, going all the way to the Supreme Court to make sure the recount happened as it should have.

What if your nephew was like, “I’m not sure I’m even gonna vote. These people are both bad” on election day. But then the day after the election he wrote a blog on deadspin about how we’re all fucked because Trump won? What should I say to this specific type of shithead nephew?

It doesn’t matter that she conceded. It has no bearing on the results. It’s just a polite tradition.

Hillary is a smart warrior.

There was a good article on Vox about how the democrats need to stop acting like submissive losers and start acting like they won the popular vote. They need to spend every day reminding voters and congress and Trump that he did not win by a mandate of the people.

Stein is doing this for herself and the Greens, *definitely* not for Hillary or the Dems (why would she?).

So you advocate slapping a woman?

We’re talking about a shift of maybe 100k votes total in three states, about two-tenths of a percent of those who voted (or decided not to vote). The write-ins for Bernie in those states would have closed the gap. But you know what? Just fuck off. I’m not going back through everythhing, again, because yet another

She’s about 2 million votes ahead at this point, but like I said, Clinton will be the grownup in the room (again) and refuse to contest the results. That won’t (and shouldn’t) stop an investigstion into whether or not there was hacking, but even if there was, this election is over.

Oh, and y’all concern trolls can take your cries of “hypocrisy” and see if they protect you when Trump’s brownshirts have you up against the wall. Like, really, save it. People out here trying every legal way to prevent fascism and you’re tone policing and concern trolling about “optics.”

We’re chasing the same kind of MacGyver-level plots to get Trump out and Clinton in at this point. The kind of things the BernieOrBusters kept hanging on to: Bernie will come back and win California. Clinton’s delegates will defect. The supers will defect. If at least three Hillary electors change to Sanders post

I think HRC is smart to have someone else do this on her behalf. If I were I’d stay as far away from this as possible. If it fails she won’t look like a sore loser. And if succeeds she might become President, although it’s probably wishful thinking.