
I needed that cry so much.

Really, dude? “Troll” on this site usually refers to the burner accounts who spam threads with racial slurs, photos of mutilated cats, dead infants, and gore/torture photos of murder victims. Or just photos of Hitler. It’s not like some blood-sucking billionaire hasn’t made it clear that he’s spending millions of

Your mother’s story breaks my heart.

21:00 MST was about the same time I started frantically texting my friends because I desperately needed someone to talk to about what was going on. Unfortunately, none of them responded to me, for whatever reason. So I got in my car, wearing my bed clothes for Christ’s sake, and drove the 25 miles to my mother’s house

YES. Hillary was the most qualified candidate on this benighted planet. She is sweet and dear, and I’m sick and fucking tired of people A) spreading baldface lies about her and B) acting like a woman being smart is somehow a fucking strike against her.

I feel you on the Hillary defending. Everyone is shitting on her for being a bad candidate, and I’m like no she was the most qualified candidate. You can’t accept that you have issues. I just want to hug her.

I’m with you on this so much! I was just drunkenly telling my roommate last night that I love Hillary Clinton more now than I ever have. She tried so hard to save us from this travesty and America gave her the finger. Ugh!

Stronger together.

A gay friend posted a picture of his daughters of Facebook and I started crying.

God bless you, Thunder-Lips. Wednesday I spent the day at our park with my two (under five) children. All the moms there were crying, yelling and hugging. I just...really don’t want this to be real. It really is a tragedy and I’m not ready to move on yet. Sneaky little coward assholes are slowly putting up their

My husband, usually a stoic, was just watching a hockey game with our son upstairs. He made some excuse and came down to talk to me because he began to silently cry during the National Anthem, and he didn’t want our son to be afraid.

I know how you feel. I went from being a Hillary supporter because I supported her policies and appreciated the opportunity to elect our first female president to literally sobbing during her concession speech, probably because I identified so strongly and have seen it time and again - a fully capable, strong,

This!!! I’ve gotten in several arguments this week with people blaming Hillary for being a terrible candidate and therefore putting us in this mess. I’m like fuck that! We lost because there are too many assholes in this country wanting to burn things down. Also too many people too apathetic to go vote against fascism.

You’re a badass and I admire you a fuckload.

This. I can’t find the hope. Like, I was thinking how angry I was after 2000, but I was young enough not to be able to fully process all of the consequences. I was REALLY disappointed and dejected after 2004, but not quite as personally attached since I didn’t feel any kind of personal investment in Kerry. This,

Same. It’s funny, I told my mom the day after that all I wanted to do was hug Hillary, then that story came out about the woman running into her in the woods! I felt like she took care of it for me, and so many others too. I’m just relieved she doesn’t have to put up with the bullshit anymore, even though I know she

You’re a fucking rock star.

Some how, in my mind, Hillary has gone from being my political candidate of choice to, like, my mom. I want to be like her, and I will fuck someone up to defend her.

Losing an animal is so hard. Don’t apologize for feeling “worse” about it. People have a lot of baggage, but animals provide such unconditional love and comfort it is leveling when we lose them.

On election day this week, I found out that I got an interview with Boeing for a paid internship this summer. I was elated. It is literally the path to my dream job. I was prepared to get smashingly drunk that night to celebrate getting an interview opportunity and seeing the first woman President. We bought champagne