It occurred to me I probably should have said ‘slightly less’ baggage, because yeah, there are a lot of skeletons in his closet that were overlooked when Uncle Joe became a thing as Obama’s happy go lucky vp.
It occurred to me I probably should have said ‘slightly less’ baggage, because yeah, there are a lot of skeletons in his closet that were overlooked when Uncle Joe became a thing as Obama’s happy go lucky vp.
HamNo, I don’t disagree with the thrust of your piece, but I’m wondering why you would post this sort of thing in the last 4 weeks of the run-up to the general election, instead of post-November 9th...? Strategically speaking, it seems counterproductive.
It’s not a “missed opportunity,” you dolt, because the majority of us didn’t want him. A majority within his own party didn’t want him, and that party represents less than half the country anyway.
I’m sorry, but fuck this. I’m a fairly progressive Californian who probably aligns philosophically with Bernie Sanders more than HRC, but decided to vote for Hillary in the primary and the general because I admire her dedication to women’s rights and the way she was able to get a lot of liberal shit done while she…
Given what we’ve seen of them this past year, “political outsider” apparently means “old white man whose pre-election career was marked by mediocrity and failures”.
Germany, which represents globalist neoliberalism to a lot of leftists, has been FAR more welcoming to refugees and immigrants than the Scandinavian countries that they extol.
Being a former academic and ardent intersectional feminist with strong pro-worker sympathies, I thought I was basically a godless commie.
Sanders could barely stand mild criticism of his policy and record from Clinton or reporters. He walked out of at least one interview in which he was asked about the Burlington College fiasco.
Bernie could only have won the primary if women and minorities weren’t allowed to vote.
Saying you wanted an outsider for president is like saying you want a pilot with no training.
This is so naive.
Maybe Bernie Sanders who was never a registered democrat through his entire political career should not have tried to co-opt the Democratic Party for his presidential run. Ironically, the same way that Donald Trump has done with the Republican Party. Maybe he should have done what he has always done which was to…
I, for one, am taking solace in the fact that a sexual predator, instinctive misogynist, and perfect example of every rotten thing about unchecked white male influence (to say NOTHING of his rank racism and other sundry forms of bigotry) is going to lose to a woman. Maybe it’s because of my ruthless brand of perceived…
Can we please stop referring to Sanders as a political outsider? How does spending the last 25 years in the House and Senate make him an outsider? I swear that was the political buzzword of this whole primary season.
The idea of looking back with regret is extra special garbage. Can you list for me the presidents in your lifetime that you didn’t have some regrets about during their terms?
It will never cease to amuse me how much we clamor for socialism and point to Scandinavian countries as the gold standard despite the fact that it is open only to their own citizens, a path to citizenship essentially does not exist, and the nationalism and xenophobia in those nations is second to none. So how this…
Bernie wasn’t some perfect angel though. He was woefully uninformed about foreign policy and you can be damn sure the media would have combed through every piece of his past looking for controversy. Remember that essay he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped?
My point was that that’s all the knew about, I didn’t say it was a bad idea.
“The only remarkable thing is this: the socialist could have won.”
This observation is not intended to be a lionization of Bernie Sanders, a mythmaking exercise, or a re-litigation of all of the primary arguments.